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4-2 Matth.6.; g. The deceitfulneffe of Mani heart. in well doing, Korn. 2 7 . If thou goe about ro leek Gods Kingdome,reek Gods righteoufneffe. So leek ir, and rind it.Otherwife thou doeft but take a great deale of wines to goe to Hell. If thou pray, tyro kingdom( come , pray alto, thy will bee done. Cods will muft be done of thee, before his Kingdome can come to thee. t I I.Since the degrees ofglory here- after (hall bee according to the degrees of grace here, it muft teach us, if we would then Thine in glory, now to Thine in grace. Naturally wee affect preheminence, and precedencie in all ° hings. Take the advantage of this thy corruption,to fh ike offall 1pirituall floath,ule it as a goard in thy fide to make Thee fweat againe in Gods work. Dcublepaines (hall bring thee double pleafure; double diligence, double delight ; eouble holineffe, double honour : who would bee a common ftone in the building, when he might be a pillar ? who would be a doore- kerper, or porter in a houle, when he might bee a Reward ? I V. Look we to the whole courte ofour lives. God rewards not according to our good, or evill work, but according to our works , to the or- dinary courfe of them. One evill work (hall not prejudice thee,whowalkeft in the ordinary track of good works; nor contrarily , one good work ¡hall not profit thee,who makelt an ordinary trade of do- + ing evill works. V. This muft teach us , faithfully to walk before the Lord in the difcharge of our fe- verall callings, without any carking care,or dittruft- full thought - taking for any of the comforts of this life. All the care that belongs to us, is how to doe ior work well.The care of the reward of our works is