The deceit fulnejf of Mary beam. is Gods, Look we well to doe our work, and G od will look farce better to reward our work. And this is that which our Saviour teacheth ; When tothofe whinings,what'hall we eat,what fhaff weptet on? hee oppofeth a contrary care of feeking Gods kingdom, and righreoufneflfe :for then, ifthey would take care to work the work of God,the reward of God fhould not bee wanting. Oh then that inflead of taking thought how to get this or that good thing prorni- fed, we could once take thought how to doe this or that good thing commanded , and fo doing our du tie,reft upon God in the beliefe ofthis do&rine;thar he rewards every man according to his works. Our Saviour forbidding his Difciples over - diligent care in provifion of thefe outward things, not to gather fiver or gc ld,gives this as a reafon why he fo forbids them,The labourer is worthy ofhis wages. The force of which argument confifts in this doctrine of Gods juftice in rewarding well that which, is done well. For the Difciples might object. True,the Labourer is worthy of his wages , tut the unthankfull World Li unworthy of our labours;for it detaines the wages due to our labours. Therefore this fpeech of Chrift is founded upon this holy _Nike of God,that cannot,wharfoever he the unkindnes, & injuftice of the world, fuller good fervices to goe unrecompenced. It is therefore as if he had Paid : Mind you the work of your Miniftery let your onely care be how to fulfill it.Doe not dif grace God fo much as to trouble your felveswith the thoughts of your maintenance, as though God were fo unjuft, as not to give good wages to gooc F f work 433 Matti]. /0.