Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

134 1 The deceitfialneJ of Mans heart. workmen. V I. Here is great varietie of comfort, Fart, art thon diCcouraged with meanneffe of thy good works? Thou art no preacher to convert fouls, no rich man to give aimes, to build Colledges, &c. but onely a poore ferraot,keeping fheep, going co plough, &c. Here for thy comfort remember that God rewards every one according to his works without making any curious choice of works. But as bee will punifh the leafr evill work , even an idle word, Matth. x2. fo will he much more reward the leafs good work,even a cup of cold water,Matth. io eating not onely of our honey, but even ofour ho- ney- combe, Cant.s. i . for his mercy to us is greater than his jufrice. Yea, at the lait day notice will bee taken of inferiour forts of works, as giving a piece of bread,ára piece ofcloth; when works farre more glorious,as Preaching,praying,martyrdome,are not named,yet thefe are mentioned,&fatt.25.Neither is this without reafon,for the bafeneffe,or the meane- neffe of the matter,doth efpecially thewthe skill of the workman. For where the matter is excellent, there it lendeth fome helli to the workman where is is otherwife, there nothingbut the bare and na- ked cunning and artifice of the workman is to bee feene. We will not fo wonder at him that maketh a good Image of gold, as at him that maketh as good of meaner matter. So to fee zeale, faith, love, in preaching the word, in governing a Dingdome, and fuch like works, is not fo admirable,as in the poore and fervile offices of underlings, as in keeping of fheep, fweeping the houfe, &c. Secondly,Art thou troubled at the worlds unjufr & prepofterous rewar- ding