the deceitfislnef/e of Mans heart. -- 43$ ding works, juftifying the wicked, condemning the godly, recompencing Johns preaching with the prifon; Herodias Daughters dancing, with the pro mile of half a kingdome, (fo that,as Cie far once faid, It were better to be Herods Swine than sonne,becaufé he killed his fonne in that maifacre ofßethlem,when his Sow was (pared : fo thou likewife thin keft, thou mayft as well fay, it were better to be Herods Misfire/ than Minifier,Player than Preacher,Dancer than Do- (or, becaufe of the Minions dancing recompenced with his Preachers head:)comfort yet thy (elfe with this,that God one day will deale otherwife, nay let this perverfe judgement ofthe worldbe an aifurance to thee,that there muff needs be a day of Gods righ- teous Judgmentr.It is true,we may fay to the world as Chrift to the Jewes : Many goodworks have I done among you, for which doeyeefione me ? yet let us not wax wearie, though after our lowing, !formes and tenipefts, and the pinching cold of Winter do fol- low , for in due time we fhall reap, if we faint not. God is not unrighteous to forget the labour of his fervants. There are foure kinds ofrewards : firft,of good for good : fecondly,ofevil for evill: thirdly,of good for evil: fourthly,of evil for goodithe two for- Aug. inPhhl. nier are the rewards of juftice,the third of mercy,the 119.17. Taft of in- jnftice, and therefore is not incident to God.God forbid then that any ihouldfay with tho'e in Malachi ;¡t is invain toferve the Lord. E-Iere thou Apee.zs God fay ing,Reholdlcone and my reward ii with me. When Mordecai had performed a worthy fervice to Ahaflinerofh , in the difcovery of a dange- rous treafon, he bad not his reward prefently : but F a yet