Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceit fulneille of Man, heart. yet his fervice was regiiftred, and fo afterward when the King looked upon the records,it was royally re- compeaced. So Malachie teacheth us that there are Books ofremembrance written for them that feare the Lord. In them all our good works are inrolled. Our labour then fhall not be loft : Not fo much as our teares but they are boded. Men may forget us, as Pharaoh did lofeph, Exodus, I. and the Seckemites Gedeoxa, ludg.9.17. but God will not.Our reward is fore, though not fo fpeedy, as we deliire: God bere affures us of reward; the time he determines not. 3. Doth it trouble thee, that thy good works work notthat good thou defireft ? Remember that God rewards us according to our works, not according to his own work. Now the fuccef of our works is his work, not ours. Doe thou thy endevourto doe that which belongs to thee, to performe the duty required,with an honeft hearr tfthcre follow no fuc- ces thou artnever the worfe worker.The goodÓra- tor alwaies perfwades not,the good Captain alwayes overcomes not, the good Phyfician alwayes heales not,'the good Preacher alwayes converts not. It is enough if thou doe that which lies in thee : Then whatfoever thy fuccefe be on eartb,fmall or great , atfuredly thy remard is great in heaven. Nay,the leffe the fuccef ,the greater Thal be the reward,fo thou be patient. For now unto thy adive obedience in wet- doing , thou addeft pafive in patient- fuffering; and double obedience muft needs have more than a fin -¡ gle reward. q..Art thou grieved at uncomely fights, to fee fervants on horfe back & Princes walking on foot? To fee fervants to have rule overPrinces,that is 1