Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceitfulnefeof Mans heart. 437 is, the wicked flourifhing in their pomp and pride, to tyrranize over the godly? Doft t hou fee the whip w htch is molt fee mely for the fooles back,to be held in his hand,to of lií& the backs of others ? Doll thou fee that Affes in ftead of a halter, are let out with golden bridles ?Are thefe things pricks in thine eyes, as once in Davids? Comfort thy lelfe in the medita don of this Doftrine Grudge not that the wicked are rewarded according to their works. Grudge not, their external' obedience proportionable re- ward in the outward things of this life : God herein does no otherwife, than as fometimes noble Cap - raines,who have honoured their enimies,when they have fought valiantly , to put fome fpirit into their owne Souldiers ;or than fometimes Parentsdo,re- warding their fervants diligence, and dutifulne% thereby to provoke theirown children.So ihauldeit thou interpret Gods temporali rewards given to the unfound obedience of the wicked, his enemies, his fives, as a fpurfe he puts into thy fide his own fouldier,his own forme : for if thou wilt doe thy du- tie as thou oughteft, how much more mayeft thou afire thy felfe of a fare greater reward. For Gods bounrie is not as manies , like to Rivers, who are greater further off than neerer home at the head and well- fpring where they firft rife. Withall cónfi- d frrhefe mens damnation fleeperh not. The day of judgement ballentth, wherein the godly, in this life . ftanding at the barre,fhall fit on thrones, and judge their judges,binding Nobles with chaines,and Prin- ces with fetters of iron. Though in this life Dives feaft w hileft Lazarus is without begging, yet in the 1F f 3 life