4. . 8 Si nemini fou- nt, quaff non vigilare videre- tar divina pro - videntia: fi om- nibus faceret , non fervaretut . divina patientia Aug in P1.3o. The deceitfnlneff of Mara heart. life to come (foe a change. ;) Lazarus fh-all feift at Gods Table,or on Gods ,Bed, lying in Abrahanas,as once John in Chrifis boCome r Dives in the meane time poking over , and begging.. Then (hall God make good that which here he fpeaketh of reward - ingevery man according to his work. Then , and not before,íhall the equality of Gods rewards fully appeare. Some of the wicked indeed, even in this life be rewardeth with condignepunifhments, left : his Providence,. but not all,Teft his Pati ence and promu a of the laft Judge- ment might bee called into quefiion., FINIS: c01