A Colehion of Scriptures C6, p, gene, page. LEVITICVS. IO 3 I will be faraifred in them that come neer unto me.3 8 6 I I /971.7e stork, the Heron after his kind, &c. 79 a to Strove together in the hoafi 4 i 14 Bring forth the blafilemer.. I NvMBERS. 39 The people forron edgreat y. 14 4o Loe we be ready togoe. 95 44 Yet they prefumedobßinately, DE VTE RO NOMI E. 11 16 Beware 1eß your hearts deceiveyou that going back, 9'C. 190 16 19 Beware blinds the eyes of the wife. 294 22 5 A man pall not put on a wonrans rayment. 223 JOSHVA. 7 19 My forme give glory to God. I. SAMVEL. 13 I Ad Saul reigned two yeeres over /fide/. 28 19 To morrow thou and thy fonnes,&c 23 2. SAMVE L. 7 27 Thy firvant bath found is his heart, &`c. 272 I. KINGS. 22 6 The Lord willdeliver it into the hands ofthe Ding. 22 a. KINGS. 3 18 God be merciful unto me when I come into the hou fe of Rimmon. 221 I. CHRON. 404 335