receiving light from this Treatife. Chip. Verfc. I CHRONICLES 3 Were perfed. 12 3 8 Were upright. 29 18 Keep this for ever in the pur pole. 2 CHRONICLE -S. 7 14 Shall pray and feel my face. 2 I r He net deceived, God hath chofen you. 32 31 To know all was in his heart. S 25 His heart teas lifted up. 126 He humbled himf lfe after he was lifted up. NEHEMIAH. 8 Io Th.- joyof the Lord is jour j? rengt h. J o B. 2 21 The Lordgiver h,t he Lord tal¿eth : bleffed, &c. 20 12.13 14.15. 3 e 2 '7 i if my mouth bath huffed mine hand. 37 I will tell him the number of my goings. 42 5 Mine eye hath feeme thee, Therefore I abhorre. Page, 375 366 105 236 342 347 79 330 250 189 389 70 PSALMES. 4 2 Folfo:o after lies. 25 2 7 z The words of Cirill the forme of Jernini. 63 Io 3 Slefeth himfelfe. 51 26 ; Thy loving kindnef is before me, therefore have I wal- ked. 52 i He knaves the fecrets of the heart. 44 2 2 For t h, fake are wellaine. 5i 3 Myfnne is ever before we. 51 5.6. Borne in pine. Thou lovefi the truth. 395 92 I471: Stranger4