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A Collc&ion of Scriptures Chap. Verre. . 5 3 strangers are rifen up again Page me. 63: 57 1 My heart, o God, is prepared,I nwillrife, &e. 365 59 5 To vifìt all the Heathen. 63 78 57T /tyturned like adeceitful/ bow. 2.62 81 12 I gave them up unto the hardneffe of their heart. 3 [3 in 9 1 In their way. 5.6' 382 2 Biefedare they that keep, &c.andfeekhim,&e. III Z. Thou haft commanded, &c. 5 Oh that my :,ayes. 247 ,5 Oh that my n'ayes. 99 I o With my whole hart have I fought thee, fuffer me not.373 20 My heart breaks for defrre to t by judgements. 97 z r Thou haft defiroyed the proud Curfed are they that erre 183 3 2 1 will tonne, when thou haft enlarged.. 81 56 This I had,becanfe ¡4ept thy precept:. 379 S7, Let fuch as flare thee turne unto met. . so Let mine heart be upright in thy, &c. 5 3 $6 8o Let mine heart. That I may never be ajhamed. 373 85 The proud have digged pits,&c. t 93 I willnever forget thyprecepts &e. 8 94 r am thine, five we : for I have fought. 112 101 I have refrained my feetfrom every evillf e.108. i 36 140 8 Performe not his thought, left he be proud. 1$ 145 s The Lord giveth light. He loveth the righteous s PRO VERBES. I 28 They(hall feekssie early 112 2 3 If thou callfor knowledge. 4 1f thou feekefi her as frlver. S fps' 6 12.13.14. 307 12. 2e, 27. 248 13 5 Tbt