Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

receivinglightfrom thi&Treatife. Chap. Verb. page. I I.3 S The flvgard luffet h, and hath nought .. 93 14 5 4 faithfll rxitnefe wilinot lie. 3 5 t í 20.21. 2+ The crown of the roife is their riche , s 3 334 15 26 The thoughts of the wick'.,'; but the words ofthe pure. 307 17 7 The lip ofexcelleney Both not become a foolè , T r. 26 17 of brother h borne for adverfrtj: 33' 18 8 The words ofa tale.- bearer. Is L9 22 That that is to bee defired of a ratan. A poore man ii better than lyer. 265 20 S Cetsnfell it hither heart of men, &c. 8 6' 399.. 25 It is a del1ruclion, after vower <to enpire. 234 526 Cal/fix the wheele to .runue over them. z 27 The foule ofman is the light of thee. &c. S 400 28 Bounty and truth preferve' the 21 4 The plowing of the wicked is fnne. 368 23, I, Whea thons fittef to eate with a Rulers c. 16 s 2 . Put the Knif .. 24 7 Inflame is.tnohightoafbole. 246 16 1.Ìbß wan fall f ven tiges. 20. 27 19 As in the water face fo face, fo the heart of than toman 28 13 He that confifith and fqr, faketh. 29 S A man that flatters,freads a net. 30 19 The way of a. man with a Maide. 20 Such iJ the may ofan adulterous,&&. S EccLESIASTES. 3 4` A time to dance. 4 6 4n hasdfillIn3ithpietsup. 7 713 TYifdow is good withaninheritanc'es. 303 103:. I.} 21. 220 184.,. 52 iSBe