A Colleaíon of Scriptures Chap. Verfe. Page. 19 17 Becaufè thou haft beene faithful/ in a little. 379 21 3 e Take heed left your hearts be opprefd with furfet ting. JOHN. 44 6 37.38.39. 5 Lovefi thou me ? Thou knoweft. 21 15 Feed zmsy fheepe. ACT S. z 71 375 224 S37 They were prickedin their hearts: L38 Repent. 3 9 To tempt the fpirit of the Lord. z S 29 From things ftrangled and from fornication. ROMANS. 90 393 221 I 24 God Cave them up to their hearts lusts. 301 6 2 2 re hadpurfruit in holiness. 19.5 7 17 it is no more l , that doe ìt)but fin that dwelleth in me. . 15! 8 326 Wee know not what to pray. 27 But he that fearcheth the - hearts. } 12 1 That yee give your bodies. z6 19 Simple, concerning evil!. 2 o God shall tread Satan underyour feet. i.CORINTHIANS. I 12 I am Pauli. I amChrifir. 41I 74 377 278 B.IIWho