Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

receiving light from this Treadle. Chap, Verte. Page. 2 I t Who knowe' what is in man, fave the fpirit that it in man ? 3 3 Tee areyet carnsU. is if any fettle to be wif . 20 That the thought'ofthe wife be vaine. 4 4 1 know nothing by my (elfe. 6 7 There is a fruit among,/ t you, becau f ye goe to late. 41 12 Iwill not be brought under the power ofany thing.28 5 9 zo Unto the Lerne' I became a lem. 222 27 I beat damne my bailie. 154 Io 8 Committed fornication, and fell in one day three and twentie thoufand 168 13 No temptation but fuch as appertaineth to mast. 25 14 Flee from Idolatrie. 189 i l 14 lt is a fhame to weave long haire. 223 15 33 Be not deceived, evill fpeeches corrupt goodmanners. 195 2 CORINTHIANS. 324 156 124 3 o6 I26 r 12 This is our rejoycing the teftimony of our confi ences. ;82 13 We write no other things tent oyou than that ye read.3 S 2r8 Our word was not Tea and Nay. 19 For thefanne ofGod was not Tea and 1 351 4 2 The cloakes offitatne. . S 2 13 For whet h er we be out o f our wit. z 14 For the love of Chrift confiraineth5 7 Io Worldly farrow caul th death. 8 2 Unto the rich liberalitie. 238 7 /bye abound in every thing, fee that ye abound. 23 3 13 7 Not that we fhould feerne approved;but that. 277 GALATI 19 398 2.92