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A Co11E&ion of Scriptures Ch p.Verfe. Page. GALA THIANS. 5 17 Fer the flefh luftethagainfi the fpirit, 153 6 i Confidering thyfelfe, that thou mall; be tempted. 45 EPHE SIANS. 4 26 Let not the Sun goe down upon your wrath. 220 6 Let none deceive you : For fuch things , 185 S 16 Redeeming the time, for the layer. are:evill. 15i 6 12 We wrefile not againfi.170 and blood. 3 00 PH I L IPPIAN S. I 27 Whether I come and fee , or elf . be abfent, &c. 340 3 Iz That I may comprehend that, for whof false I am com- prehended. 72 4 7 The peace of God fhall preferve'o'er hearts. SO COL OSSIANS. 2 18 By humblenef of mind advancing himfelfe, I83 i. THESSALONIANS. I I The workof your Faith. 5 23 That your whole fpirit and forrle) &c. I TIMOTHIE. 4 I Doúrine ofDevils, 3 4bftaining from meates, 73 131 182 2 The