A TABLE OF THE CHIFFE AND choife things in this Treatife. A Page Bftinence fions pane is no true Reformation. 107 Astons ofour life muff hold proportion each with ' i other. 338 339 á tir +, Affections are trial" ofagoodheart, 342 Affecîions corrupt the judgement. 293 AfCc lions hone variable they are. 292 A friifions difcover both Corruption and Grace. 3 28 Efßecially publique AffiiCtions. 330 Afi&ions p"shlike difcover Hypocrites. ibid, Comfort againfi Affli Lions for Religion. 229 Almes given from, and gotten by oppref ion &c what tojudge of i hen. 209 Gtrelhouldbe more Angry in Gods caufes then in our ot11,1,300.342 ' Holy Anger fits rather than unfits for holy duties. 30 i Anger "muff fò be againff front that it he not finfuli'. goo A nger,hon, it may be difcernednvbether againfi the fin or perfon 299 I Appearances ofevill to be avoyded. ][89.190 Falfe Application and Apprehenfïonofahriff. 71 Application of (brig ismutuall, andreciprocall. ibid. Application is of the believer to Chrifi, as well as ofChrifi to the beleever. 74 a g 2 Out-