A Table of the chiefe things B OOvtwardBlefíings, rather finesofGods anger than love , to the cricked. Page 54.55 Sm.slefi Beginnings offinne to be avoided. r87 Good Beginnings in Grace,ufl make us go on more careful/ 3 4 m Bufineffe of this World muff notfhoulder out care for heavenly things. 24.3 In what cafes avian may omit hog duties for worldly BuGnes,244. C MO mans Calling cals from God. Page 159 i- `1 Particular Calling mullgive place to the general%, 159.160 In our earthly Callings we muff have heavenly minds. 161 A comfort to thofe that are in ;wane Callings. 3 gs. & 434 Bare Civility condemned, and the Civili infiiciarie. 58 Colouring of fnne with 7 ertues colours. 1$I Colouring o f finne with fubtill diftín7ionso 176 Colouring of vertue with vices¡ilth. Zak Combate between the flefh and jjirit, how it differs in the regene- rate from that firif in the unregenerate. 152 In it the flesh never wholly prevailes. The Commandements kept two wages. 116 Ccmmandement from Superiors no warrant to fin. 167 'Warinef je to be ufed,in not receiving every one into our Company, Ithat make goodßeaves. 1 A Competencie what it is. 3 i3 303 7 1Confeflion, the excellencie of it. lot. & 18 IFadfe Confeflìon, difiovered. 102 a broken heart. ibid. True Confeflion is from a believing heart, ibid. an honest heart. 103 Con.