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The deceit feilneJfe of mans heart. 33 good as the true Prophets (for they come in Iheepes cloathing,) as of their do trine. That we muff heed fpecially,trying it by the word, and not bee carried away with the pompous oftentation, either of their words or workes. So alto among our Celves, we muff not prefently reach forth the right hand of fellowfhip to every one that beginneth to cry,Lord,Lord; but firft we muff weigh them in the ballance of the San&uary, to fee whether they be currant metall or no.Iehu'i queflion is fit for all good Chriftians, to propound to fuch as t ehu was, before they admit them into the fociety;k thy heart upright ? As Chrift would Iohnryi 10.15. not truft Come that feemed to truft him,becaufe he knew them *ell enough; Co neither fhould we,be- caufe we doe not know them . See how fcrupulous the Chriftans were at firft to receive S. Paul into their company,which was not fo much d eiety nice- Aas.9. ne,as j;ifí cauteloufne ,whereto the deceitfulnes of mans heart doth neceffarily urge us. Itis not good indeed to wrong any man with grourtdly n fuLbiti- ase.r; fo neither is it good to wrong our felves with over-cafycredulity . The fame fpirit that faith,Cha- a Cor. t3. ritybeleeveth all thieags, faith ado that a foole bare, veth all things. And Charity is do foole. As it is nor eafily fu #itious, fo neither lightly creduloues. Secondly, we muff all take notice of this corrup- tion of our hearts,whereby we are readyto deceive our brethren , what by f ig:ing , what by di#em- bling. As S. law fpeaketh of fn in general], fo t ©Gin z. I of this particular, Ifwe fay we have no deceitful neífe of heart, we deceive our felves. &c. Wee are I ready