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53 The deceitfulneffe of Mani heart. ------.. would but hinder him in his journey, and his over- ample eftate would be as cumberfome to his foule, as souls armour would have been to Davids body. Heh Iz9 The Apoftie tels thee, God chaffeneth every child he hash, and none but baftards goe uncorreáed : what an idle conceit then is this for thee to take that for a note of thy fonfhip,namely,thy oyled and buttered pat.hs,thy long eat and freedome from cro¡fes, for which the holy Ghoft hath reproached thee wich the brand ofbafìardifwe ?Our saviour cries ouc,t oe be to you, ye rich men, foryefhall weep. What a mad - netiTe for thee to bleífe where Chrift curies? He tels thee that thy riches are as great burthens, hindring thy entrance in at the ¡trait gate; and as the bunch on the Camels back, bindring his pafï'age through the needles eye; and therefore cries our,How hardly (hall a rich man eater into the 4ingdome of heaven? what a dotage is this to account the barre of heaven dose (hutting it up againft us, to be the key opening it to us;to take weights prefling us down to hell, to be wings lifting us up to heaven? Civill Iuf icia- A fecond fort ofmen deceiving themfelves in this ries deceit. kinde,are our civil/ Iufliciaries,who therfore judge thunCelves to be in good ¡fate to God- ward, becaufe they lice without fcandall, honefty, quietly paying every man his owrn, &c. If they had hence conclu- ded, they had been in good Rate to matt-ward, the deceit had been more tolerable; for men cannot fo well challenge thofe that can with samuelfay,whofe Oxe or rife have I fiollen? whom have .I wronged ? but the deceit is fond, to think therefore God can have no Action againft thee. Alike as if thou fhouldeft think