Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III. of gracious Afee ions. 95 Ir jdom defendeth not from above, but is earthly, fenfital - --- the laic Word in the Original is the fame that is tranflated natural, in 1 Cor. 2. 14. S3 that altho' natural Men may be the Subjects of many Influencer of the Spirit of God, as is evident by many Scriptures, as Numb. 24. 2. 1 Sam. r o. re). and Ir. 6. and 16. 14- i Cor. 13. 1, 2, 3. Heb. 6. q., 5, 6. and many others ; yet they are not in the Senfe of the Scripture, fpiritual Perfons ; neither are any of thofe EE&s, common Gifts, Qialities or Affections, that are from the Influence of the Spirit of God upon them, called fpiritual Things. The great Difference lies in thefe two Things. T. The Spirit of God is given to the true Saints to dwell in them, as his proper letting Abode ; and to influence their Hearts, as a Prin- ciple of newNature, or as a divine fupernatural Spring of Life and Adlion. The Scriptures reprefent the Holy Spirit, not only as moving, and occafionally influencing the Saints, but as dwelling in therm as his Temple, his proper Abode, and everlafling Dwelling Place ; i Cor. 3. 16. 2 Cor. 6. 16. 'John 14. 16, 17. And he is repreferited as being there fo united to the Faculties of the Soul, that he becomes there a Principle or Spring of new Nature and Life. So the Saints are faid to live by Chrift living in them, Gal. 2. 20. Clirifi by his Spirit not only is in them, but lives in them ; and fo that they live by his Life ; fo is his Spirit united to them, as a Prin- ciple of Life in them ; they don't only drink living Water, but this living Water becomes a Well or Fountain of Water, in theSoul, fpringing up into fpiritual and everla/ling Life, John 4. 14. and thus becomes a Principle of Life in them this living Water, this Evangeliff himfelf explains to intend the Spirit of God, Chap. 7. 38, 39. The Light of the Sunof Righteoufnefs don't only thine upon them, but is fo communicated to them that they thine alto, and become little Images of that Sun which fhines upon them the Sap of the true Vine is not only conveyed into them, as the Sap of a Tree may be conveyed into a Vefíel, but is conveyed as Sap is from a Tree into one of it's living Branches, where it becomes a Principle of Life. The Spirit of God being thus communicated and united to the Saints, they are from thence properly denominated from it, and are called fpiritual. On the other Hand, tho' the Spirit of God may many Ways influ- ence natural Men ; yet becaufe it is not thus communicated to them, as an indwelling Principle, they don't derive any Denomination or Character from it ' for there being no Union it is not their own. The Light may Thine upon a Body that is very dark or black ; and tho' that Body be the Subjót of the Light, yet, becaufe the Light becomes no Principle of Light in it, fo as to caufe the Body to thine, hence that Body don't properly receive its Denomination from it, fo as