Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

The PVEF14.CE. the new Teftament. So it was in that great Out - pouring of the Spi- rit that was in the Apoftle's Days ; as appears by Matth. 24. i o, I i, 12, 13. Gal. 3. I. and 4. II, 15. Phil. 2. 21. and 3. 18, 19. And'the two Epifiles to the Corinthians, and many other Parts of the new Teflament. And fo it was in the great Reformation from Po- eery. -- It appears plainly to have been in the vifible Church of God, in Times of great reviving of Religion, from Time to Time, as it is with the Fruit Trees in the Spring ; there are a Multitude of Blof- fours ; all which appear fair and beautiful, and there is a promifing Appearance of young Fruits ; but many of 'em are but of short Con- tinuance, they loon fall off, and never come to Maturity. Nót that it is to be fuppofed that it will always be fo : For tho' there never will, in this World, be an entire Purity ; either in par- ticular Saints, in a perfinff Freedom.from Mixtures of Corruption ; or in the Church of God, without any Mixture:id Hypocrites with Saints, and counterfeit Religion, and falfe Appearances of Grace, with true Religion 'and real Holinefs : Yet, 'tis tvident, that there will come a Time of much greater Purity, in the Church of God,than has been inAges pall ; it is plain by thofeTextsof Scripture, Ifai.52.T. Ezek. 4¢. 6, 7, 9. feel3. 17. Zech. íq.. 21. Pfal. 69. 32, 35, 36. /jai. 35. 8, ro. Chap. 4. 3, 4. Ezek. 20. 38. Pfal., 37. 9, 10, 11, 29. And one great Reafon of it will be, that at that Time, God will give much greater Light to his People, to diflinguifh between true Religion and its Counterfeits ; Mal. 3. 3. Andhe/hallfit as a Refiner, and Purifier of Silver ; and he !pall purify the Sons of Levi, and purge them as Gold and Silver ; that they may offer to the Lord an Offering in Righteoujhefs. With Verfe 18, which is a Continuation of the Pro- phecy of the fame happyTimes, then fhallye return, and difcern between the Righteous and the Wicked, between him that ferveth God, and him that ferveth him not. 'Tis by the Mixture of counterfeit Religion with true, not dif- cern'd and diflingizifhed, that the Devil has had his greateft Advan- tage againft the Caufe and Kingdom of Chrift, ah along, hitherto. 'Tis plainly by this Means, principally, that he has prevaii'd againti all Revivings of Religion, that ever have been, fince the firft founding of the chriflian Church. By this, he hurt the Caufe of Chriflianity, in, and after the apoftolic Age, much more than by all the Perfecu- tions of both Yews and Heathens : The Apofiles, in all their Epiftles, Chew themfelves much %Wore concerned at the former Mifchief, than the latter. By this, Satan p. evail'd againft the Reformation, begun. by Luther, Zuinglius, &c. :o put a Stop to its Progrefs, and bring it into Difgrace ; ten Times more, than by all thole bloody, cruel, and before, unheard of Perfecutions of the Church of Rome. By this