Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III. of gracious .Ajeclions. 149 is no more than Grace, for Grace, or Grace in the Image, anfwcra- ble to Grace in the Original. As there are two Kinds of Attributes in God, according to our Way of conceiving of him, his moral Attributes, which are fum'd. up in his Holinefs, and his natural Attributes, of Strength, Know- ledge, &c. that conflitute the Greatnefs of God ; fo there is a two- fold Image of God in Man, his moral orfpiritual Image, which is his Holinefs, that is the Image of God's moral Excellency ; (which Image was loft by the Fall) and God's natural Image, confuting in Men's Reafon and Underftanding, his natural Ability, and Dominion over the Creatures, which is the Image of God's natural Attributes. From what has been faid, it may eafily be underfcood what I in-- tend, when I fay that a Love to divine Things for the Beauty of their moral Excellency, is the Beginning and Spring of all holy Affec- tions. It has been already Ihown, under the former Head, that the firft objective Ground of all holy Affections is the fupream Excel- lency of divine Things as they are in themfelves, or in their own Na- ture ; I now proceed further, and fay more particularly, that that Kind of Excellency of the Nature of divine Things, which is the firft objeétive Ground of all holy Affe&ions, is their moral Excel lency, or their Holinefs. Holy Perfons, in the Exercife of holy RJ- feEtions, do love divine Things primarily for their Holinefs : They love God, in the firft Place, for the Beauty of his Holinefs or moral Perfection, as being fuprearnly amiable in it felf. Not that the Saints, in the Exercife of gracious Affections, do love God only for his Holinefs:; all his Attributes are amiable and glorious in theirEyes; they delight in every divine Perfect} ion ; the Contemplation of the infinite Greatnefs, Power, and Knowledge, and terrible Majefty of God, is pleafant to them. But their Love to God for his Holinefs is what is molt fundamental and effential in their Love. Here it is that true Love to God begins : All other holy Love to divineThings flaws from hence : This is the molt effential and diftinguifhing Thing that belongs to a holy Love. to God, with Regard to the Foundation of it. A Love to God for the Beauty of his moral At- tributes, leads to, and neceffarily caufes a Delight in God for all his Attributes ; for his moral Attributes can't be without his natural Attributes : For infinite Holinefs fuppofes infinite Wifdom, and an infinite Capacity and Greatnefs ; and all the Attributes of God do as it were imply one another. The true Beauty and Lovelinefs of all intelligent Beings does pri- marily and molt efìentially confrff in their moral Excellency or Holi- nefs. Herein confifts the Lovelinefs of the Angels, without which, with all their natural Perfeaions, their Strength, and their Know- ledge, they would have no more Lovelinefs than Devils. 'Tis mo- ral Excellency alone, that is in it felf, and on it's own Account; the L 3 Excellency