Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III. of gracious 4ffecion5. I 6 5 Refs are fo manife$ed in them ; and without thefe moral Perfeaions, there would be no Glory in that Power and Skill with which they are wrought. The glorifying of God's moral Perfeaions, is the fpc- cial End of all the Works of God's Hands. By this Senfe of the moral Beauty of divine Things, is underflood the Sufficiency of Chrift as a Mediator : For 'tis only by the Discovery of the Beauty of the moral Perfeaion of Chrift, that the Believer is let into the Knowledge' of the Excellency of his Perfon, fo as to know any Thing more of it than the Devils do : And 'tis only by the' Knowledge of the Excellency of Chrift's Perfon, that any know his Sufficiency a Mediator ; for the latter depends upon, and arifes from the former, ' fis by f,eing the Excellency of Chrift's Perfon, that the Saints are mtde fenfible of the Precioufnefs of his Blood, and it's Sufficiency to atrone for Sin : For therein confifls the Precioufnefs of Chr ff Blood; that 'tis the''Blood of fo excellent and amiable a Perfon. And on this depends the Meritorioufnefs of his Obedience, and Sufficiency and Prevalence of his lnterceffion. By thisSight of the moral Beauty of divine Things, is feen the Beauty of the Way of Salvation by Chrift : For that confifts in the Beauty of the moral Perfeaions of God, which wonderfully fhines forth in every Step of this Method of Salvation, from Beginning to End. By this is feen the Fitnefs and Suitablenefs of this Way : For this wholly confiffs in° its Tendency to delver us from Sin and Hell, and to bring us to the Happine S which confifts in the Poffeffion and Enjoyment of moral Good, in a Way fweetly agreeing with God's moral Perftdtions. And in the Nay's being contrived fo as to attain thefe Ends, confiffs the excel- lent Wifdom of that Way. By this is feen the Excellency of the 'Word of God : Take away all the moral Beauty and Sweetnefs in the Word, and the Bible is left wholly a dead Letter, a dry, lifelefs, taftelefs Thing. By this is feen the true Foundation of our Duty ; the Worthinefs of God to be fo effeem'd, honour'd, lov'd, fubmitted to, and ferv'd, as he requires of us, and the Amiablenefs of the Du- ties themfelves that are required of us. And by this is feen the true Evil of Sin : For he who fees the Beauty of Holinefs, muff neceffa- rily fee the Hatefulnefs of Sin, itsContrary. By this Men underfiand the true Glory of Heaven, which confifls in the Beauty and Happi- nefs that is in Holinefs. By this is feen the Amiablenefs and Happi- nefs of both Saints and Angels. He that fees the Beauty of Holinefs, or true moral Good, fees the greateft and mofl important Thing in the World, which is the Fulnefs of all Things, without which all the World is empty, no better than nothing, yea, worfe than nothing. Unlefs this is feen, nothing is feen, that is worth the Seeing : For there is no other true Excellency or Beauty. Unlefs this be under - ftood, nothing is underftood, that is worthy of the Exercife of the noble Faculty of Underfanding. This is the Beauty of the God- M 3 head,