Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART T.II3. of gracious fffaions. 17S is that a fpiritual Difpofition and Taf}e teaches and guides a Man in his Behaviour in the World. So an eminently humble, or meek,, or charitable Difpolition, will dire& a Perfon of mean Capacity to fuclt a Behaviour, as is agreeable to chriflian Rules of Humility, Meek- nefs and Charity, far more readily and precifely, thanthe molt dili- gent Study, and elaborate Reafonings, of a Man of the firongefl Fa- culties, who has not a chrifiian Spirit within him. So alfo will a Spirit of Love to God, and holy Fear and Reverence towards God, and filial Confidence in God, and an heavenly Difpofition, teach and guide a Man in his Behaviour. 'Tis an exceeding difficult Thing for a wicked Man, deflitute of chriflian Principles in his Heart, to guide him, to.know how to de- mean himfelf like a Chriftian, with the Life, and Beauty, and hea- venly Sweetnefs of a truly holy, humble, Chrifllike Beaviour. He knows not how to put on thefe Garinents ; neither do they fit him Eccl. 1 0. 2, 3. AA'wife Man's Heart is at his rightHand ; but a Fool's Heart is at his Left. Yea alto, when he that is a Fool, walketh by the Way, hislf/fdorn faileth him ; and hefaith to every one that he is a Foci : With Verte 15. The Labour of the Foolifh, wearieth every one ofthem;. becau/e he knewe+h not how to go to the City. Prov. 1o. 32. The Lips of the Righteous know what is acceptable. Chap. 15. 2. The Í ongue. of the Wife cloth Knowledge aright ; but the Mouth of Fools pcurcthcut. Foolifhnefs. And Chap. 16. 23. The Heart of the Righteous teachetb his Mouth, and addeth Learning to his Lips. The Saints in thus judging of Adions by a fpiritual Tafte, have not a particular Recourfe to the exprefs Rules of God's Word, with Refpeh to every Word and Alion that is before them, the Good or Evil of wh'.ch they thus judge of : But vet their Tafte it felf in General, is Subje& to the Rule of God's Word, and muff be tried by that, and a right Reafoning upon it. As a Man of a reai- lied Palate judges of particular Morfels by his Tafte: But yet his Palate it feif muft be judged of, whether it be right or no, by certain Rules and Reafons. But a fpiritual Tafle of Soul, mightily helps the Soul, in its Reafonings.on the Word of God, and in judging if the true Meaning- of itsa:,Rules ; as it removes the Prejudices of a, depraved Appetite, and naturally leads the Thoughts in the right Channel, calls a Light on the Word of God, and caufes the true Meaning, molt naturally to come to Mind, thro' the Harmony there is between the Difpofition and Relifh of a fan&ified Soul, and the true Meaning of the Rules of God's Word. Yea, this Harmony tends to bring :the Texts them elves to Mind, on proper Occafions ; as the particular State of the Stomach and Palate, tends to bring fuck particular Meats and Drinks to Mind, as are agreeable to that State. Thus the Children Hof God are led by the Spirit of God in judging. of AEiions thenafelves, and in their Meditations upon, and judging of, and