Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

4,' 182 The fifth Sign PART. III. V. Truly gracious Affe6 ions are attended with a reafonable and fpiritual Convi6lion of the Judgment, of the Reality and Cer- tainty of divine Things. This feems to be implied in the Text that was laid as the Foun- elation of this Difcourfe, Whom having notfeen, ye love ; in'whom, tho' nowye fee him not, yet BELIEVING, ye rejoice with toy unfpeakable and full of Glory. All thofe who are truly gracious Perfons have a folid, full, thoro' and effeéual Convi6tion of the Truth of the great Things of the Gof- pel. I mean that they no longer halt between two Opinions ; the great Doarines of the Gofpel ceafe to be any longer doubtful Things, or Matters of Opinion, which, tho' probable, are yet difputable ; but with them, they are Points fettled and determined, as undoubted and indifputable ; fo that they are not afraid to venture their All upon their Truth. Their Convi6tion is an efeftual Convi6tion ; fo that the great, fpiritual, myfterious, and invifible Things of the Gof- pel, have the Influence of real and certain Things upon them ; they have the L/'eight and Power of real Things in their Hearts ; and ac- cordingly rule in their AfFe&ions, and govern them thro' the Courfe of their Lives. With Refpca to Chrifi's being the Son of God, and Saviour of the World, and the great Things he has revealed con- cerning Himfelf, and his Father, and another World, they han't only a predominating Opinion that thefe Things are true, and fo yield their Affent, as they do in many other Matters of doubtful Specula- tion ; bait they fee that it is reallyfo : Their Eyes are open'd, fo that they fee that really Jtfus is the Chrift, the Son of the living God. And as to the Things which Chrili has revealed, of God's eternal Purpofes and Defigns, concerning fallen Man, and the glorious and everlaffing Things prepared for the Saints in another World, they fee that they are fo indeed : And therefore thefe Things are of great Weight with them, and have a mighty Power upon their Hearts, and Influence over their Pra&ice, in tome Meafure anfwerable. to their infinite Importance. That all true Chriflians have fuch a Kind of Conviaion of the Truth of the Things of the Gofpel, is abundantly manifeft from the holy Scriptures. I will mention a few Places of many ; Matth. 16. 15, 16, 17. But whom fay ye that I am? Simon Peter anfwered and raid, Thou art ChriII, the Son of the living God. And ; fefus anfwered, adlaid unto him, bleféd art thou Simon Barjona : -- - my Father which is in Heaven bath revealed it unto thee. John 6. 68, 69. Thou haf the Words ofeternal Life : And we believe, and are Are that thou art that ,Chrifl, the Son Of the living God. John 17. 6, 7, 8. I have manfefied thy Name to the Men which thou gavel! me out ofthe World. --- Now they have known that all Things, whatfoever thou hall given fly ,rire of thee : For ,l have given unto them, the Words which thou ga- vel!