PART III. of gracious 4jèaions. 195 chofen thee, that thouJhsuld'Jl know his Will, and fee that jtO One, and Jhouldfl hear the Voice of his Mouth : For thou fhalt be his Witnefs unto all Men, of what thou hall feen and heard. But the true Martyrs of Jefus Chrift are called his Witneffes : and all the Saints, Who by their holy Practice under great Trials, declare that Faith, which is the Su- STANCE of Things hoped for, and the EVIDENCE of Things not lot are called Witneffes ; Heb. I i. i. and 12. 1. becaufe by their Profeffion and Practice, they declare their Affurance of the Truth and Divinity of the Gofpel, having had the Eyes of their Minds en- lightened, to fee Divinity in the Gofpel, or to behold that unparal- lel's!, ineffably excellent, and truly divine Glory fhining in it, which is altogether diftinguifhing, evidential, and convincing : So that they may truly be laid to have feen God in it, and to have feen that it is indeed divine : And fo can fpeak in the Style of Witneffes ; and not only fay, that they think the Gofpel is divine, but fay, that it is divine, giving it in as their Teftimony, becaufe they have feen it to be fo. Doubtlefs Peter, 'fames ' and :john, after they had Peen that excellent Glory of Chrift in the Mount, would have been ready, when they came down, to fpeak in the Language of Witneffes, and to fay polii- tively that °jefus is the Son of God ; as Peter Pays, they were Eye- wit- ne s, 2 Pet. I. z6. And fo all Nations will be ready pofitively to fay this, when they fhall behold his Glory at the Day of Judgment ; tho' what will be univerfally feen, will be only his natural Glory, and not his moral and fpiritual Glory, which is much more diftinguifhing. But yet, it mutt be noted, that among thofe who have a fpiritual Sight of the divine Glory of the Gofpel, there is a great Variety of Degrees of Strength of Faith, as there is a vaft Variety of the De- grees of Clearnefs of Views of this Glory : But there is no true and favingFaith, or fpiritual Conviction of the Judgment, of the Truth of the Gofpel, that has nothing in it, of this Manifeftation of it's in- ternal Evidence, in fonae Degree. The Gofpel of the bleffed God don't go abroad a begging for it's Evidence, fo much as fome think ; it has its higheft and molt proper Evidence in it felf. Tho' great Ufe may be made of external Arguments, they are not to he neg- lected,but highly prized and valued ; for they may be greatly fervice- able to awaken Unbelievers, and bring them to ferious Confideration, and to confirm the Faith of true Saints Yea they may be in fome Refpeas fubfervient to the begetting of a faving Faith in Men. Tho' what was laid before remains true, that there is no fpiritual Convic- tion of the Judgment, but what arifes from an Apprehenfion of the fpiritual Beauty and Glory of divine Things : For, as has been ob- ferved, this Apprehenfion or View has a Tendency to convince the Mind of the Truth of the Gofpel, two Ways ; either directly or in- directly. Having therefore already obferved how it does this directly, I proceed now 0 2 2,To