196 thefixth Sign PART Iiim 2. To obferve how a View of this divine Glory does convince the Mind of the Truth of Chriftianity, more indirectly. It doth fo as the Prejudices of the Heart againft the Truth of divine Things are hereby removed, fo that the Mind thereby lies open to the Force of the Reafons which are offer'd. The Mind of Man is naturally full of Enmity againft the Doctrines of the Gofpel ; which is a Difadvantage to thofe Arguments that prove their Truth, and caufes them to loofe their Force upon the Mind : But when a Perfon has difcovered to him the divine Excellency of chriftian Doc- trines, this deftroys that Enmity, and removes the Prejudices, and fanctifies the Reafon, and caufes it to be open and free. Hence is a vaft Difference, as to the Force that Arguments have to convince the Mind. Hence was the very different Effect, which Chrift's Miracles had to convince the Difciples, from what they had to convince the Scribes and Pharifees : Not that they had a ftronger Reafon, or had their Reafon more improved ; but their Reafon was fan6tified, and thofe blinding Prejudices, which the Scribes and Pharifees were under, were removed, by the Senfe they had of the Excellency of Chrift and his Doctrine. Seconcily, It not only removes the Hindrances of Reafon, but poli- tively helps Reafon. It makes even the fpeculative Notions more lively. It affifts and engages the Attention of the Mind to that Kind of Objeas ; which caufes it to have a clearer View of them, and more clearly to fee their mutual Relations. The Ideas themfelves, which otherwife are dim and obfcure, by this Means have a Light caft upon them, and are imprefs'd with greater Strength, fo that the Mind can OOetter judge of them ; as he that beholds the Objects on the Face of the Earth, when the Light of the Sun is caft upon them, is under grea- ter Advantage to difern them, in their true Forms, and mutual Re- ations, and to fee the Evidences ofdivine Wildom and Skill in their Contrivance, than he that fees them in a dim Star light, or Twilight. What has been laid, may ferve in fomeMeafure to Phew theNature of a fpiritual Conviction of the Judgment of the Truth and Reality of divine Things ; and fo to diftinguifh truly gracious Affections from others ; for gracious Affections are evermore attended with fuch a Conviction of the Judgment. But before I difmifs this Head, it will be needful to obferve the Ways whereby fome are deceived, with refpea to this Matter ; and °akeNotice of leverai Things, that are fometimes taken for a fpiritual and Paving Belief of the Truth of the Things of Religion, which are indeed very diverfe from it.. To There