Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

206 The fixíh Sign PART III. looks on his Experiences as a Dignity in him, as he looks on 'em himfelf ; and that he glitters as much in God's Eyes, as he does inhis own. And thus he trufts in what is inherent in him, to make him Thine in God's Sight, and recommend him to God : and with this Encouragement he goes before God in Prayer ; and this makes him' expert much from God ; and this makes him think that Chrift loves him, and that he is willing to cloath him with his Righteoufnefs becaufe he fuppofes that he is taken with his Experiences and Graces. And this is a high Degree of living on his own Righteoufnefs; and Bich Perfons are in the high Road to Hell. Poor deluded Wretches, who think they look fo glittering in God's Eyes, when they are a Smoke in his Nofe, and are many of 'em more odious to him, than the molt impure Beaft in Sodom, that makes no Pretence to Religion To do as thefe-do, is to live upon 'Experiences, according to the true Notion of it ; and not to do as thofe, who only make ufe of fpiritual Experiences, as Evidences of a State of Grace, and in that Way re- ceive Hope and Comfort from 'errs. There is a Sort of Men, who indeed abundantly cry down Works, and cry up Faith ii OpOofition to Works, and let up themfelves very much as evangelical Perfons, in Oppofition to thofe that are of a legal Spirit, and make a fair Shew of advancing Chrift and the Gof- pel, and the Way of freeGrace ; who are indeed fome of the greateft Enemies to the Gofpel Way of free Grace, and the molt dangerous Oppofers of pure humble Chriftianity. - .y_ 6c CC CG CC CG 4G G4 6G 64 6G 6G 6G CG SS aG 64 Take not every Opinion and Doctrine fromMen or Angels, that bears a fair Shew of advancing Chrift for they may be but the Fruits of evangelical Hypocrify andDeceit ; that be- ing deceived themfelves, may deceive others too ; Matth. 7. is. Beware of them, that come in Sheep's Cloathing ; in the In- nocency, Purity and Meeknefs of Chrift and his People, but inwardly are Wolves, proud, cruel, cenforiovs, fpeaking Evil of what they know not. By their Fruits you 'hall know them. Do not think beloved, that Satan will not Peek to fend De- lufions among us. And do you think thefe Delufions will come out of the popith Pack, whole Inventions knell above Ground here ? No, he mutt come, and will come with more evangelical, fine-fpun Devices. It's a Rule obferved amongft fefuits, at this Day, if they would conquer Religion by Sub - tilty, never oppofe Religion with a crofs Religion ; but fet it againft itfelf : So oppofe the Gofpel by the Gofpel. And look, as Churches pleading for Works, had new invented de- viled Works ; fo when Faith is preached, Men will have GG their