222 Thee. flxth Sign. , PART. III, tells us it was with the Pharifees, Matth. 6. 16. - But it is contrari- wife with true Humility : They that have it, are not apt to difplay their Eloquence in letting of it forth, or to fpeak of the Degree of their Abafement in flrong Terms. t It don't ailed to Phew it felf in any fingular outward ,Meannefs of Apparel, or Way of Living ; agreable to what is implied in MVlatth. 6. 17. But thou, when thou fajiefi, anoint thine Head, and wajb thy Face. Col. 2. 23. Which Things have indeed a Shew of Wifdom, in WI'1l worjhip, and Humility, and neglecting the Body. Nor is true Humility a noify Thing ; it is not loud and boiflerous. The Scripture reprefents it as of a contrary Nature. Ahab, when he had a vifible Humility, a Refemblance of true Humility, went _foftly, a Kings 2.1. 27. A Penitent, in the Exercife of trueHumiliation, is reprefented as Bill and fluent, Lam. 3. 28. Hefrtteth alone, and keepeth Silence, betaufe he hath born it upon him. And Silence is mentioned as what attends Humility, Prov. 30. 32. If thou haft donefoolijhly, in lifting up thy ,elf, or if thou haft thought Evil, lay thy Handupon thy. Mouth. Thus I have particularly and largely (hewn the Nature of that true Humility that attends holy Affeaions, as it appears in it's Tendency to caufe Perfons to think meanly of their Attainments in Religion, as compared with the Attainments of others, and particularly, of their Attainments in Humility : And have fhewn the con tray Ten-. dency of fpiritual Pride, to difpofe Perfons t". think their Attainments in thefe Refpeas to be great. I have infifled the longer on this Matter, becaufe I look upon it a Matter of great Importance, as it affords a certain Diflinaion between true and counterfeit Humility ; and alto as this Difpofition of Hypocrites to look on themfelves better than others, is what God has declared to be very hateful to him, a Smoke in his Nofe, and a Fire that burneth all the Day, Ifat. 65. 5. 'Tis mentioned as an Inflance of the Pride of the Inhabitants of that holy City ( as it was called ) yerufalem, that they efleem'd themfelves far better than the People of Sodom, and fo looked upon them worthy It is an Obfervation ofMr. Jones, in his excellent Treatife of the Canon of the new Teflament, that the Evangelift Mark, who was the Companion of St. Peter, and is fuppofed to have writ- ten, his Gofpel under the Direction of that Apoflle : when he mentions Peter's Repentance after his denying his Mailer, he don't ufe fuck ilrong Terms to fet it forth as the other Evange- lifts, He only ufes thefe Words, When be thought thereon he wept, ',lark T5. 72. whereas the other Evangelifls fay thus, He went ae t and weft bitterly, Math. 26. 75. Luke 22. 62. to