224 The fixth Sign. PART [II. needy.; but the latter make Men appear to themfelves rich, and èn creaCed with Goods, and not very neceffitous ; they have a great Stock in their own Imagination for their'Subfif#ance. A poor Man is modeff in his Speech and Behaviour fo, and much more, and more certainly and univerfally, is one that is poor in Spi- rit ; he is humble and modeft in his Behaviour amongíf Men. 'Tis in vain for-any to pretend that they are humble, and as littleChildren before God, when they are haughty, aff,rning and impudent, in their Behaviour amongft Men. TheApoftle informs us that the Defign of the Gofpel is to cut offall Glorying, not onlybefore God, but alto before Men, Rom. 4. i, 2. Some pretend to great Humiliation, that are very haughty, audacious and affurning in their external Ap- pearance and Behaviour But they ought to confider thofeScriptures, Pfal. 13g.' r . Lord, my Heart is not haughty, nor my Eyes lofty nei- ther do 1 exercife my fell in great Matters, , or in Things too high for me. Prov. 6.. 16, 17. Thefefix Things Both the Lord hate, yea feven are an Abomination unto him; a proud Look, &c. -- -Chap. 2r. 4. An high Look, and a proud Heart,. are. Sin. Pfal. 18. 27. Thou wilt bring " This Spirit ever keeps a Man poor and vile in his own Eyes, and empty.-=-When, the Man hash got fome Knowledge, 4.4 and - can difcourfe prettywell, and hath fome Taftes of the 4' heavenly Gift, fomefweet Illapfes ofGrace, and fo his Con- '' fcience is pretty well quieted : And if he bath got fome 44 Anfwer: to his Prayers, and, bath fweet Affections, he grows "> full : And having Eafe to his Confcience, calls off Senfe, and " daily groaning under Sin. And hence the Spirit of Prayer " dies : He loofes his Efteem of God's Ordinances'; feels not fuch Need of 'em or gets no Good, feels no Life or Power 4' by 'em.---This is the woful Condition of fome : But yet 66 they know it not. But now he that is filled with the Spirit, 46 the Lord empties him . And the more, the longer he lives. " So that tho' others think he needs not much Grace ; yet he '<< accounts himfelf the pooreft. " Shepard's Parable of ten Virgins, Part II. p. 132. 44 After all Fillings, be ever empty, hungry and feeling Need, :" and raying for more. 'f. ; Ibid p. 1,51. ,Truly Brethren, when I. fee; the ::Curie of God upon many Chrif- :ti34 that are now grown full of their Parts, Gifts, Peace, " Comforts, Abilities, Duties, I ftand adoring the Riches of ;' the Lord's Mercy, to a little handful of poor Believers ; not only in making them empty, but in keeping them fo all their " Days. " Shepard's Sound Believer, the late Edition in .Boion,,,p.. 1..58 . h9 down