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PART III, of gracious Atetiions. 229 Life but as having Life communicated to it ; fo as through Chrift's Power, to have inherent in itfelf, a vital-Nature. In the Soul where Chrif{ favingly is, there he lives. He don't only live without it,,,fo as violently to a&uate it ; but he lives in it ; fo that that alto is alive. Grace in the Soul is as much from Chriff, as the Light in a Glatt, held out in the Sun - beams, is from the Sun. But this relrelents thr. Manner of the CommunicationofGrace to tl.eSoul,but in Part ; be- caufe the Glafs remains as it was, the Nature of it not being it aii cfhang'd, it is as much without any Lightfomneff in it's Nature G ever. But the Soul of a Saint receives Light from the Sun of Rig', teoufrrefs, in inch a Manner, that it's Nature is changed, and it hr - comes properly a luminous Thing : Not only does the Sun Thine in the Saints, but they alto become little Suns, partaking of the Nature of the Fountain of their Light. In this Refpe&, the Manner of their Derivation of Light, is like that of the Lamps in the Taberna- cle, rather than that of a refle&ingGlafs ; which tho' they were lit up by Fire from Heaven, yet thereby became, themfelves burning !billing Things. The Saints'don't only drink of the Water of Life, that flows from the original Fo=utitain ; but this Water becomes a Fountain of Water in them, fpringing up there, and flowing out of -them ; fohn 4. Li.. and Chap. 7. 38, 39. Grace is compared to a Seed implanted, that not only is in the Ground, but has hold of it, has Root there, and grows there, and is an abiding Principle of Life and Nature there. As it is with 1piritual Difcoveries and Affe&ions given at firft Converfion, fo it is in all Illuminations and Affe&ions of that Kind, that Perfons are the Subje&s of afterwards ; they are all transform- ing. There is a like divine Power and Energy in them, as in the firft Difcoveries : And they fill reach the Bottom of the Heart, and affeFf and alter the very Nature of the Soul, in Propor- tion to the Degree in which they are given. And a Transformation ,. of Nature is continued and carried on by them, to the End of Life ; 'till it is brought to Perfe&ion in Glory. Hence the Progrefs of the Work of Grace in the Hearts of the Saints, is reprefented in Scrip- ture, as a continued Converfion and Renovation of Nature. So the Apeftle exhorts thofe that were at Rome, beloved of God, called to be Saints, and that were the Subje&s of God's redeeming Mercies, to be transformed by the renewing of their Mind ; Rom. 12. 1, 2. I be- feech you therefore by the Mercies of God, that ye prefent your Bodies, a living Sacrifice ; - --and be not conformed to this World ; but be ye tranf- farmed, by the renewing ofyour Mind. Compared with Chap. I. 7, So the Apoftle writing to the Saints and Faithful in Chriji yefus, that were at Ephefus, (Eph. 1. i.) and thofe who were once dead is 7-ref- pap and Sins, but were now quickened, and railed rep, andmade tone together àn heavenly Places in Chr, andcreated in aril' Jefus unto goad Q 3 "forks,