Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

d The eighth Sign PART III, tPtibrks, that were once far of, but were now made nigh by the Blood of Chrifl, and that were no more Strangers and Foreigners, but Fellow-Ci- tizetzs. with the Saints, and of the HoujhoM ofGod, and that were built together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit ; I fay, the Apotfle writing to thefe, tells them, that he ceafed not to prayfor them, that God wouldgive them the Spirit of Thfdom and Revelation, in the Know- ,ledge of Chri ; the Eyes of their Underftanding being enlightened, that they might know, or Experience, what was the exceeding Greatnefs o4 God's Power towards them that believe ; according to the Working of his mightyPower,which he wrought inC,hri a when he raifed himfrom theDead, and ,ft him at his own rightHand in the heavenly i"laces,Eph. i. 16, to the End. In this the Apoftle has Refpe 1 to the glorious Power and Work of God in converting and renewing theSoul : As is rnoft plain by the Sequel. So the Apoille exhorts the fame Perfons to put of the old Man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful Lujis ; and be re- newed in the Spirit of their Minds ; and put on the new Han, which after God, is created in Righteoufnefs and true Holinefs, Eph. 4. 22, 23, 24. There is a Sort of high Affetions that fome have from Time to Time, that leave them without any Manner of Appearance of ari abidingEffe&t. They go off fuddenly ; fo that from the veryIdeight of their Emotion, and feeming Rapture, they pars at once to bequite dead, and void of all Senfe and AClivity. It furely is not wont to be thus with high gracious Affe&ions ; t they leave a Tweet Savour and Relifh of divine Things on the Heart, and a ftronger Bent of Soul towards God and Holinefs. As Mofes's Face not only fhone while he was in the Mount, extraordinarily converfing with Gad ; but it continued to thine after he came down from the Mount. When Men have been converting with Chrifl in an extraordinary Manner, there is a fenfibie Effe& of it remains upon them ; there is fotnething remarkable in their Difpofition and Frame, which if we take Knowledge of, and trace to its Caine, we fhall find it is becaufe they have been with Jefus ; "Ps 4. t 3. VIII. Truly gracious Affe6tions differ from thyfe Affeaions that are falfe and delufive, in that they tend to, and are attended with the Lamb -like, Dove-like Spirit andTemper of Jefus Chtift ; or in other Words, they naturally beget and promote finch a Spirit of Love, Meeknefs, Qiietnefs, Forgivenefs and Mercy, as appear'd in Chrift. C< Do you think the holy Ghoff comes on a Man, as on -Ba- " "laatn; by immediate a`1ing, and. then leaves him and then "he has nothing ? " Shepard's PAr, Part I, 126. Thc