FART M. of gracious AffigZoî1.£. 231 The Evidence of this in the Scripture, is very abundant. If we judge of the Nature of Chrifiianity, and the proper Spirit of the Gof pel, by the Word of God, this Spirit is what may by way of Emi- nency by called the chriftian Spirit ; and may be looked upon as the true, and diflinguifhing Difpofition of the Hearts of Chriflians, as Chriftians. When fame of the Difciples of Chrift laid (anything, thro' Inconfideration and Infirmity, that was ndt agreeable to fuck a Spirit, Chrift told them that ' they knew not what Manner of Spirit they were of, Luke 9. 55. implying that this Spirit that I am fpeak- ing of, is the proper Spirit of his Religion and Kingdom. All that are truly Godly, and realDifciples of Chrift, have this Spirit in them ; and not only fo but they are of this Spirit ; it is the Spirit by which they are fo poffefs'd and govena'd, that it is their true and proper Oharaeter. This is evident by what the wife Man fays, Frey. 17. 27. (having Refpea plainly to fuch a Spirit as this) ' 4 Man of linderftanding is of an excellent Spirit ' ; and by the particular De- scription Chrift gives of the Qualities and Temper of fuch as are truly Bided, that {hall obtain Mercy, and are Gods Children and Heirs, Matth. 5. ' BI effed are the Meek : For they {hall inherit theEarth. J3leffed are the Merciful : For they fhall obtain Mercy. Bleffed are the Peace-makers : For they {hall be called the Children of God '. And that this Spirit is the fpecial Charaaer of the Eleft of God, is manifeft by Col.3. 12, 13. ' Put on therefore, as the Elect of God, holy and beloved, Bowels of Mercies, Kindnefs, Hutnblenefs of Mind, Meeknefs, Long-fuffering ; forbearing one another, and for- giving one another '. And the Apoflie (peaking of thatTemper and Difpofition which he fpeaks of as the molt excellent and effential Thing in Chriftianity, and that without which none are true Chrif tians, and the mot glorious Profeffion and Gifts are nothing (calling this Spirit by the Name of Charity) he defcribes it thus ; (r Cor. 13. 4, 5.) ' Charity fuffereth long and is kind : Charity envieth not : Charity vaunteth not it fell, is not puffed up ; doth not be- have it felf unfeemly ; feeiceth not her own ; is not eafily provoked ; thinketh no Evil '. And the fame Apatie, Gal. 5. defignedly de- claring the diftinguifhing Marks and Fruits of true chriftian Grace, chiefly infìfts on the Things that appertain. to fuch a Temper and Spirit as I am fpeaking of, Verfe 22, 23. ' The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-fuffering, Gentlenefs, Goodnefs, Faith, Meeknefs, Temperance '. And fo does the Apoftle lames, in de- fcribing true Grace, or that Lrifdom that is from above, with that declared Defign, that others who are of a contrary Spirit may not deceive themfelves, and lie againft the Truth, in profefliing to be Chriftians, when they are not, yam. 2. 14, ---17. ' If ye have bitter Envying and Strife in your Hearts, gory not, and lip not againft the Truth : This Wifdom defcendeth not from. above ; Q.4 ii