Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

Ammimimmo1 232 The eighth Sign PART III, is earthly, fcnfuar, devilifh. For where Envying and Strife is, there is Confufion and every evil Work. But the Wifdom that is from above is firft pure, then peaceable, gentle, eafy to be intreated, full of Mercy and good Fruits.' Every Thing that appertains to Holinefs of Heart, does indeed be- long to the Nature of true Chriftianity, and the Character of Chrif- tians ; but a Spirit ofHolinefs as appearing in fome particular Graces, nay more efpecially be called theChrifrian Spirit orTemper. There are firma amiable Qialities and Vertues, that do more efpecially a- gree with the Nature of the Gofpel Conítitution, and Chriftian Pro - fefon ; becaufe there is a fpecialAgreeablenefs in them, with thofe di- vine Attributes which God has more remarkably manifefted and glo- rified in the Work of Redemption by Jefus Chrift, that is the grand Subject of the Chriftian Revelation ; and alto a fpecial Agreeablenefs with thofe Vertues that were fo wonderfully exercifed by Jefus Chrift towards us in that Affair, and the bleffed Example he bath therein fet us ; and likewife becaufe`they are peculiarly agreable to the fpecial Drift and Defign of the Work of Redemption,. and the Benefits we thereby receive, and the Relation that it brings us into, to God and one another. And thefe Vertues are fuch as Humility, Meeknefs, Love, Forgivnefs, , and Mercy. Thefe Things therefore efpecially belong to the Charaaer of Chriftians, as fuch. Thefe Things are fpoken of as what are efpecially the Character of Jefus Chrift himfelf, the great Head of the Chriftian Church. Fey are fo fpoken of-in the Prophecies of the oldTeftament ; as in that cited :Mattb. 21. 5. 6 Tell ye the Daughter of Sion, behold thy Ki=ng cometh unto thee, meek, and fitting upon an Afs, and a Colt the Fole of an Afs. ' So Chrift himfelf fpeaks of 'em, Mattb. 1 r. 29. 6 Learn of me ; for I am meek and lowly in Heart.' The fame appears by the Name by which Chrift is fo often called in Scripture, viz. THE LAMB. And as thefe Things are efpecially the Cha- racter óf Chrift ; fo they are alto efpecially the Charaaer of Chrifti- ans. Chriftians are Chrifflike : None deferve the Name of Chrifti- ans that are not fo, in their prevailing Charaaer 6 The new Man is renewed; after the Image of bím that creates him, Col. 3. r o. All true Chriftians 6 behold as in a Glafs, the Glory of the Lord, 2nd are changed into the fame Image, by his Spirit, 2 Cor. 3. 18. ' !The Elea are all 6 predeftinated to be conformed to the Image of the Son of God, that he might be the Firft -born among many Bre- thren,' Rom. 8. 29. 6 As we have born the Image of the firft Man, that is earthly, fo we mutt allo bear the Image of the heavenly : For as is the earthy, fuch are they allo that are earthy ; and as is the heavenly, fuch are they alto that are heavenly, ;' Cor. r5. 47, 48, 49.' Chrift is full of Grace ; and Chriftians 6 all receive of f s Fullnefs, and Grace for Grace : ' i.e. there is Grace in Chriftians anfwering