PART ©, f gracious. 41,ffWions. 233 anfwering to Grace in Chrift, filch an - Anfwerabienefs as there between the Wax and the Seal ; there is Character for Chara&ter Such Kind of Graces, fuch a Spirit and Temper, the fame Things that belong to Chrift's Charadier, belong to their's. That Difpo -- fition wherein Chrift's CharaCter does in a fpecial Manner coniif':, therein does his Image in a fpecial. Manner confift. Chriftian.s that Ihine by refieaing the Light of the Sun of Righteoufnefs, do Thine with the fame Sort of Brithtnefs, the fame mild, fweet and pleafar.t Beams. Thefe Lamps of the fpiritual Temple, that are enkindled by Fire from Heaven, burn with the fame fort of Flame. The Branch is of the fame Nature with-the Stock and Root, has the fame Sap, and bears the fame Sort of Fruit. The Members have the fame Kind of Life with. the Head. It would be firange if Chriftians fhould not be of the fame Temper and Spirit that Chrilt is of ; when ' they are his Flefh and his Bone, yea are one Spirit, a Cor. 6. 17. and live fo, that it is not they that live, but Chrift that lives in A chriftian Spirit is Chrift's Mark, that he fets upon the Souls of bis People ; his Seal in their Foreheads, bearing his Image and Super - fcription. Chriftians are the Followers of Chrift ; And they are fò, as they are obedient to that Call of Chrift, ' Matth. 11. 28, e . Come to me, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly .of Heart, ' They follow him as the Lamb ; ' Rev. 14. 4. Thefe are they which follow the Lamb whi,herfoever he goeth. ' True Chriftians are as it were cloathed with the meek, quiet, and loving Temper of Chrift ; for as many as are in Chr , have put on Chri r. And in this Refped.I the Church is cloathed with the Sun, not only by being cloathed with his imput&d Righteoufnefs, but alto by being. adorned with his Graces ; Rem. 13. 14. Chrift the great Shepherd, is himfelf a Lamb, and Believers are alto Lambs ; all the Flock are Lambs ; ' John 21. 15. Feed my Lambs.' Luke Io. 3. ' I fend you forth Gs Lambs, in the midft of Wolves. ' The Redemption of the Church by Chrift from the Power of the Devil was typified of old, by David's delivering the Lamb, out of the Mouth of the Lion and the Bear. That fuch Manner of Vertue as has been fpoken of is the very Na- ture of the Chriftian Spirit, or the Spirit that worketh in Chrift and in his Members, and the diftinguifhing Nature of it, is evident by this, that the Dove is the very Symbol or Emblem, chofen of God, to re, prefent it. Thofe Things are fitteft Emblems of otherThings,which do belt reprefent that which is molt diftinguifhing in their Nature, The Spirit that defcended on Chrift, when he was anointed of the Father, defcended on him like a Dave. The Dove is a noted Em- blem of Meeknefs, Harmleffnefs, Peace and Love. But the fame Spirit that defcended on the Head of the Church, defcends to the Members. ' God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into their Hearts