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The eighth Sign PART III. Hearts, Gal. 4. 6. And if any Man has not the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of his, Rom. 8. q. ' There is but one Spirit to the whole myftical Body, Head andMembers, i Cor. 6. 17. Eph. 4. 4. Chrift breathes his own Spirit on his Difciples, John 20. 22. As Chrift was anointed with the holy Ghoft, defcending on him like a Dove, fo Chriftians allo ' have an Anointing from the holy One, i Joh. 2. 20, 27. And they are anointed with the fame Oil ; 'tis the fame precious Ointment on the Head, that goes down to the Skirts of the Garments : ' And on both it is a Spirit of Peace and Love : Pfa1. 133. 1, 2. Behold how good, and how pleafant it is, for Brethren to dwell together in Unity ! It is like-the preciousOintment upon the Head, that ran down upon the Beard, even Aaron's Beard ; that went down to the Skirts of his Garments.' The Oil on Aaron's Gar- ments, had the fame fweet and inimitable Odour, with that on his Head ; the Smell of the fame fweet Spices. Chriftian AifeEtions, and a chriftian Behaviour, is but the flowing out of the Savour of Chrifi's fweet Ointments. Becaufe the Church has a dove- likeTem- per and Difpofition, therefore it is laid of her that the has Dove's .Dyes, Cant. T. i5. ' Behold thou art fair, my Love ; behold thou art fair : Thou haft Dove's Eyes.' And Chap. 4. T. ' Behold thou art fair, my Love ; behold thou art fair : Thou haft Dove's Eyes within thy Locks.' The fame that is laid of Chrift, Chap. 6. 12. His Eyes are as the Eyes of Doves.' And the Church is frequently compared to a Dove in Scripture, Cant. 2. 14. ' Omy Dove, that art in the Clefts of the Rock .' Chap. 5. 2. ' Open to me my Love, my Dove.' And Chap. 6. 9. ' My Dove, my Undefiled, is but one.' Pfal. 68. 13. ' Ye (hall be as the Wings of a Dove, cover'd with Silver, and her Feathers with yellow Gold.' And 74. 13. ' O deliver not the Soul of thy Turtle-Dove unto the Multi- tude of the Wicked.' The Dove that Noah Pent out of the Ark, that could find no Reft for the Sole of her Foot, 'till file returned, was a Type ofa true Saint. Meeknefs is fo much the Character of the Saints, that the Meek and the,Godly, are ufed as fynonymous Terms in Scripture : So Pfal, 37 . t o, i r. the Wicked and the Meek are fet in Oppofition one to ano- ther, as Wicked and Godly. ' Yet a little While, and the Wickee . shall not be---but the Meek (hall inherit the Earth.' So Pfal. 147. 6. ' The Lord lifteth up the Meek : He cafteth the Wicked down to the Ground.' 'Tis douhtlefs very much on this Account, that Chrift reprefents all his Difciples, all the Heirs of Heaven, as little Children, Matth. 19. 14. ' Suffer little Children to come unto me, and forbid them not ; for of fuch is the Kingdom of Heaven.' Matth. o. 42, Whofoever fhall give to drink unto one of thefe little ones, a Cup of cold Water in the Name of a Difciple, verily I fay unto you he gall in no wife lode his Reward.' Matth. 1,8. 6. ' V,' nofo fhail ofterd