Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

?.36 The eighth Sign PAR r I11. very Pafiions` that .'are vigoroufly and violently exerted, in a falfe Boldnefs for Chriff.. And thofe Affeéfions that are vigoroufly ex- erted in true Fortitude, are thole chriftian holy Affe Lions, that are -direly contrary to 'em. Tho' chriffian Fortitude appears, in withftanding and counteracfing the Enemies that are without us ; yet it much more appears, in refitting, and fuppreiling the Enemies that are within us ; becaufe'they are our worft and ftrong- eft Enemies, and have greateft Advantage againff us. The Strength of the good Soldier of Jefus thrift, appears in nothing more, than in ftedfaftly maintainino. the holy Calm, Meeknefs, Sweetnefs, and Be- nevolence of his Mind, amidit all the Storms, Injuries, ffrange Be- haviour, and furprizing Ats and Events of this evil and. unreafonable World: The. Scripture feems to intimate that true Fortitude confrffs chiefly in this, Prov. 16. 32. ' He that is flow to Anger, is better than the Mighty; and he that ruleth his Spirit, than he that taketh a City.' The direaeft and fureft Way in the World, to make a right Judg- ment, what a holy. Fortitude is, in fighting with God's Enemies ; is to look to the Captain ofall God's Hofts, and our great Leader and Example; and fee wherein hisFortitude &Valour appearediin his chief Confliét, and in theTime of the greateft Battle that ever was, or ever will be fought with thefe Enemies, when he fought with them all a- lone, and of the People there was none with him, and exercifed his Fortitude in the higheft Degree that ever he did, and got that glori- ous Viaory that will be celebrated in the Praifes and Triumphs; of alI the Hòfts of Heaven, throughout all Eternity : even to Jefus Chriff in the Time of his laff Sufferings ; when his Enemies in Earth and Hell made their molt violent. Attack upon him, .compafling him round on every Side, like renting and roaring Lions. Doubtlefs here we fhall fee the Fortitude ofa holy Warriour and Champion in the Caufe of God, in it's higheft Perfeaion and greateft. Lufire, and an Example fit for the Soldiers to follow, that fight under this Cap- tain. But 'how did he fhow. his holy Boldnefs and Valour at that Time ? Not in the Exercife Of any fiery Pafiions ; not in fierce and violent Speeches, and vehemently declaiming.againff, and crying out of the intolerable Wickednefs of Oppofers, giving 'em their own in plain Terms ; burin not opening his Mouth when afflidfed and op- prefWedt, in going as a Lamb to the Slaughter, and as a ,weep before his Shearers, .is dumb, not opening his Monti-1'; praying that the. Father would forgive his cruel Enemies, becaufe they- knewnot what they did ; not shedding others Blood ; but with all- conquering Patience and Love, fhedding his own. Indeed one of his Dif ciples, that made a. forward Pretence to Boldnefs fore aril?, and confidently declared he would fooner die with Chrift than, deny him, began._ to layabout him with a' Sword : But Chrift meekly, rebukes him, and heals the Wound he gives. And never was the