PART III. of gracious Ajèbiions. 237 was the Patience, Meeknefs, Love, and Forgivenefs of Chrift, in fo glorious a Manifeaation, as at that Time. Never did he appear fo much a Lamb, and never did he Phew fo much of the dove-like Spirit, as at that Time. If therefore we fee any of the Followers of Chrift, in the midst of the molt violent, unreafonable and wicked Oppofition, of God's and his own Enemies, maintaining under all thisTemptation, the Humility, Quietnefs, and Gentlenefs of a Lamb, and the Harm - lefínefs, and Love, and Sweetnefs of a Dove, we may well judge that here is a good Soldier of Jefus Chrift. When Perfons are fierce and violent, and exert their Tharp and bitter Paffions, it fhows Weaknefs, inftead of Strength and Fortitude, r Cor. 3. at the Beginning, ' And I Brethren, could not fpeak unto you, as unto Spiritual, but as unto Carnal, even as unto Babes in Chrift.---For ye are yet Carnal : For whereas there is among you Envying and Strife, and Divifions, are ye not carnal, and walk as Men ? ' There is a pretended Boldnefs for Chrift that arifes from no better Principle than Pride. A Man may be forward to expofe himfelf to the Diflike of the World, and even toprovoke their Difpleafure, out of Pride. For 'tis the Nature of fpiritual Pride to caufe Men to feek Diftin&ion and Singularity ; and fo oftentimes to fet themfelves at War with thofe that they call carnal, that they may be more highly exalted among their Party. True Boldnefs for Chrift is univerfal, and overcomes all, and carries 'em above the Difpleafure of Friends and Foes ; fo that they will forfake all rather than Chrift ; and will rather offend all Parties, and be thought meanly of by all, than offend Chrift. And that Duty which tries whether a Man is willing to be defpifed by them that are of his own Party, and thought the leaff: worthy to be regarded by them, is a much more proper Trial of his Boldnefs for Chrift, than his being forward to expofe himfelf to the Reproach of Oppofers. The Apoftle fought not Glory, not only of Heathens and:faun but of Chriftians ; as he declares, i Thef. He is bold for Chrift, that has chriftian Fortitude enough, to confer his Fault openly, when he has committed one that requires it, and as it were to come down upon his Knees before Oppofers. Suth Things as thefe are a vaftly greater Evidence of holy Boldnefs, than refolutely and fiercely confronting Oppofers. lj Mr. Shepard, fpeaking of Hypocrites affe&ing Applaufe, lays;; iG hence Men forfake their Friends, and trample under Foot the .G Scorns of the World : They have Credit elfewhere. To " maintain their Intereft in the Love of godly Men, they will " fuffer much." Parable of the ten Virgins, Part I. p. i80.