Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

242 The ninth Sign PART III. was theWickednefs thePerfonwas moftnotpriottllyguilty of. Grace has as great a Tendency to refl-rait and! mortify fuch Sins, as are con- trary to the Spirit that has been'fpoken of, as it has to mortify Drun- kennefs or Lafcivioufnefs. Yea the Scripture reprefents the Change wrought by Gofpel Grace, as efpecially appearing in an Alteration of the formerSort ; Ifai. r t.;;6,----9.:' The Wolf fhall,dwell with the Lamb ; and the Leopard fhall lie down with the Kid ; and the Calf, and the young Lion, and the. Farling together ; and a little Child (hall lead them. And the Cow, and the Bear (hall feed ; their young ones (hall lie down together : And the Lion (hall eat Straw like the Ox : And the fuckingChild (hall playon theHole of theAfp ; and the weaned Child (hall put his Hand on the Cockatrice Den. They (hall not hurt nor deftroy in all my holy Mountain. For the Earth (hall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord, as the Waters co- ver the Sea.' And to the fame Purpofe is Ifai. 65. 25. According- ly we find, that in the primitive Times of the chriftian Church, Con- verts were remarkably changed in this Refpea : Tit. 3. 3, &c. For we ourfelves allo were fometimes foolifh, difobedient, deceived, ferving divers Lulls and Pleafures ; living in Malice and Envy, hate- ful, and hating one another. But after that the Kindnefs and Love of God our Saviour, toward Men, appeared, - -- --- He faved us, by the Warning of Regeneration, and Renewing of the Holy Ghoft.' And Col. 2. 7, 8. ' In the which ye allo walked, fome Time, when ye lived in them. But now you alto put off all thefe ; Anger, Wrath, Malice, Blafphemy, filthy Communication out of your Mouth.' IX. Gracious Affections foften theHeart, and are attended and fol- lowed with a chriftian Tendernefs of Spirit. Falle Affections, however Perfons may frem to be melted by them while they are new, yet have a Tendency in the End to harden the Heart. A Difpofition to fome Kind of Paffions may be ellablifhed ; loch as imply Self-feeking, Self-Exaltation, and Oppofition to others. .rut falle. Aff'edions, with the Delufion that attends them, finally rend to ftupify the Mind, and Phut it up, againft thofe Affedlions wherein Tendernefs of Heart confifts : And the, Effe&.of'em at loft is, that Perfons in the fettledFrame. of their Minds; become lets of- feaed with their prefent and paft Sins, and lefs confcientious with lefped to future Sins, lefs moved with the Warnings and Cautions of God's Word, or God's Chaftifements in h Providence, more carelels.of the Frame oftheir Hearts, and the Manner and Tendency of their Behaviour, lefs quick- fighted to difcern what is fìnful, lefs< afraid of the Appearanceof Evil, than they were while they were un- der legal Awakenings and Fears of Hell. Now they have been the Subjets of fuch and fuch Imprefions and Affeaions, and have a high Opinion