PART III. cf gracious `lions. 24 F with him, in the neareft Relation, and molt intimate Union, that. Mankind are ever united one to another in. -j- Elijah, that great Prophet, who had fo much holy Familiarity with God, at a Time of fpecial Nearnefs to God, even when he converted with him in the Mount, wraped his Face in his Mantle. Which was not becaufe l was terrified with any fervile Fear, by the terrible Wind, r.n:d Earn quake, and Fire ; but after thefe were all over, and God fpake to lam as a Friend, in a Hill final/ Voice ; i Kings 19. 12, 13. And apes- the Fire, aHillfmall Voice : And it was fo, when Elijah heard it, h:' wrapped his Face in his Mantle. And Moles, with whomGod fpake Face to Face, as aMan fpeaks with his Friend, and was diftinguifhed from all the Prophets, in the Familiarity with God that he was ad- mitted to ; at aTime when he was brought neareft of all, when God fhewed him his Glory in that fameMount, where he afterwards fpake to Elijah ; He made Halle, and bowed his Head towards the Earth, and wortipped, Exod. 34. 8. There is in Tome Perfons, a molt unfui -- table and unfufferable Boldnefs, in their Addreífes to the great JEHo- VAH, in an Affeaation of an holy Boldnefs, and Otlentation cf emi nent Nearnefs and Familiarity ; the very Thoughts of which woulc. make 'emlhrink into Nothing, with Horror and Confufion, if they law the Diftànce that is between God and them. They are like the Pharifee, that boldly came up near, in a Confidence of his own Emi- nency in Holinefs. Whereas, if they taw their Vilenefs, they woulid be more like the-Pablican, thatflood afar off, anddu fl not fo much as lift up his. Eyes to Heaven ; but fmote upon his Ereaft, faring, God be merciful to me a Sinner. It becomes Inch finful Creatures as we, to approach a holy God ( altho' with Faith, and without Terror, yet with Contrition, and penitent Shame and Confufion of Face. It is foretold that this fhould be the Difpofition of the Church, in theTime of her highett Priviledges on Earth, in her latter Day of Glory, when God fhould remarkably comfort her, by revealing his Covenant-Mer- cy to her ; Ezek. 16. 6o, to the End. I will ,ablifh unto thee an everlafling Covenant. Then thou(halt remember thyWays, and be afhamed. And I will f/lablifh my Covenant with thee ; and thou fbalt know that I am the Lord : That thou mayefl remember, and be confounded, and never open thy Mouth any more, becaufe of thy Shame, when I am pacified to- ward thee, for all that thou haft done ; faith the LordGod. The Wo- man that we read of in the 7th Chapter of Luke, that was an eminent Saint, and had much ofthat true Love which calls out Fear,byChrift's own Teftimony, Verfe 47. the approached Chrift in an amiable, t Dr. !Imes, in his Cafes of Confcience, Book III. Chap. iv. fpeaks of an holy Modefty in the Worfhip of God, as one Sign of true Humility, and