Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

2 48 T'he ninth Sign PART III. and acceptable Manner, when fhe came with 'that humble Modeffy, Reverence and Shame, when fhe flood at his Feet, weeping behind him, as not being fit to appear before his Face, and waffled his Feet with her Tears. One Reafon why gracious AffeEions are attended with this Ten- dernefs of Spirit which has been fpoken of,is that true Grace tends to promote Convli Lions of Confcience. Perfons are wont to have Cotr- viélions of Confcience before they have anyòrace : And if afterwards they are truly converted, and have true Repentance, and Joy, and Peace in Believing ; this has a Tendency to put an End toTerrors, but has no Tendency to put an End to Convitiions of Sin, but to increafe them.It don't ftupify aMan'sConfcience ; but makes it more fenfible, more eafily and thoroughly difcerning the Sinfulnefs of that-which is finful, and receiving a greater Convidion of the heinous and dreadful Nature of Sin, fufceptkve of a quicker and deeper Senfe of it, and more convinced ofhis own Sinfulnefs, and Wickednefs of his Heart ; and confequently it has a Tendency to make him more jealous of his Heart. Grace tends to give the Soul a further and better Conviéîion of the fame Things concerning Sin, that it was convinced of under a legal Work of the Spirit of God ; viz. It's great Contrariety to the Will and Law and Honour of God, the Greatnefs of God's Hatred of it, and Difpleafure againfl it, and the dreadful Punifhment it ex- poles to and deferves. And not only fo, but it convinces the Soul of fome thing further concerningSin, that it law nothing of, while only under legal Conviéions ; and that is the infinitely hateful Nature of Sin, and it's Dreadfulnefs upon that Account. And this makes the Heart tender with Refped to Sin ; like David's Heart, that fmote him, when he had cut off Saul's Skirt. The Heart of a true Penitent s like a burnt Child, that dreads the Fire. Whereas on the Contra- ry, he that has had a counterfeit Repentance, and falle Comforts and Joys, is like Iron that has been fuddenly heat and quenched ; it be- comes much harder than before. A falfe Converfion puts an End to Convictions of Confcience ; and fo either takes aw4, or much di- minifhes that Confcientioufnefs, which was manifefted under a Work of the Law. All gracious Affections have a Tendency to promote this chriftian `Tendernefs of Heart, that has been fpoken of : Not only a godly Sorrow ; but alto a gracious Joy ; Pfal. 2. i r. ' Serve the Lord with Fear, and rejoice with Trembling.' As alto a gracious Hope ; Pfal. 33. 18. ' Behold the Eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his Mercy.' And Pfal. r47. r r . ' The Lord taketh Pleafure in them that fear him, and in them that hope in his Mercy'. Yea the mofl confident and affured Hope, that is truly gracious, has this Tendency. The higher an holy Ho r e is railed, die more there is of this chriflian Tendernefs. The banifhing of a fervilc