250 The tenth Sign PART III. Member for Member. There is Symmetry and Beauty in God's Workmanfhip. The natural Body, which God bath made confifis of many Members ; and all are in a beautiful Proportion : So it is in the now Man, confifting of various Graces and Affe6tions. The Body of one that was born a perfe& "Child, may fail of exa& Propor- tion through Diftemper, and the Weaknefs and Wounds of fome of it's Members ; yet the Difproportion is in no Meafure like that of thofe that are born Monfiers. It is with Hypocrites, as it was with Ephraim of old, at a Time when God greatly complains of their H} pocrify ; Hof. 7. ' E- phraim is a Cake not turned,' half roafted and half raw : There is commonly no Man+,ter ofUniformity in their Affections. There is in many of them a great Partiality, with Regard to the feveral Kinds of religious Affeaions : Great Affections in fome Things, and no manner of Proportion in others. An holy Hope and holy Fear go together in the Saints, as has been obferved 'from Pfal. 33. 18. and 147. r r. But in fotne of thefe is the moft confident Hope, while they are void of Reverence, Self-jealoufy and Caution, and to a great Degree cart off Fear. In the Saints, Joy and. holy Fear go together, tho' the Joy be never fo great ; as it was with the Difciples, 'in that joyful Morning of Chrifi's Refurre&ion, Matth. 28. 8. ' And they departed quickly from the Sepulchre, with Fear and GREAT Joy. fi But many of there rejoyce without trembling Their Joy is of that Sort, that is trulyoppofite to godly Fear. But particularly, one great Difference` between Saints and Hypo- crites is this, that the Joy and Comfort of the Former is attended with godly Sorrow and Mourning for Sin. They have not only Sor- row to prepare 'em for their'firft Comfort, but after they are com- forted, and their Joy eftablifhed. As it is foretold of the Church of God, that they fhould mourn and loath themfefves for their Sins, after they were returned from the Captivity, and were fettled in the Land of 'Canaan, the Land of Reff, and the Land that flows with Milk and Honey, Ezek. 20. 42, 43. ` And ye fhail know that I am the Lord, when I (hall bring you into the Land of Ifrael, into the Coun- try for the which I lifted up mine Hand, to give it to your Fathers. And there fhall ye remember your Ways, and all your Doings, where- in ye have been defiled ; and ye fhall loath yourfelves in your own Ge Renewed Care andDiligence follows the Sealings of the Spirit. " Now is the Soul at the Foot of Chrift, as Mary was at the ' = Sepulchre, with Fear and great yoy. He that travels the Road with a rich Treafure about him, is afraid of a Thief -- in every Buffi. .navel's Sacramental Meditations, Medi. 4, Sight,