PART III. of gracious 4feEions. 251 Sight, for all your Evils that ye have committed.' As allo in Ezek. 16. 61, 62, 63. A true Saint is like a little Child in this Refpea ; he never had any godly Sorrow before he was born again ; but fince has it often in exercife : As a little Child, before it is born, and while it remains in Darknefs, never cries ; but as loon as ever it fees the Light, it begins to cry ; and thenceforward' is often crying. Altho' Chrift hath born our Griefs, and carried our-Sorrows, fo that we are freed from the Sorrowof Punifhment, and may now fweetly feed upon the Comforts Chrift bath purchafed for us ; yet that hinders not bra that our feedingon thefe Comforts fhould be attended with the Sor- row of Repentance. As of old, the Children of Ifrael were command ed, evermore to feed upon the pafchal Lamb, with bitter Herbs. - True fi " If Repentance accompanies Faith, 'tis no Prefumption to be- cc lieve. Many know the Sin ; and hence believe in Chrift, GC truft in Chrift ; and there is an End of their Faith. But Ge what Confeflion and Sorrow for Sin ? What more Love to' cc Chrift follows this Faith ? Truly none. Nay, their Faith is cc the Caufe why they have none. For they think, if I truft in cc Chrift to forgive me, he will do it ; and there is an End of cc the Bufinefs. Verily this Hedge- Faith, this Bramble-Faith, GC that catches hold on Chrift, and pricks and fcratches Chrift, " by more Impenitency, more Contempt of him, is meer Pre-. cc fumption ; which (hall one Day be burnt up and deftroycd " by the Fire of God's Jealoufy. Fie upon that Faith, that cc ferves only to keep a Man from being tormented before his cc Time ! Your Sins would be your Sorrows, but that your cc Faith quiets you. But if Faith be accompanied with Repen- " tance, Mourning for Sin, more Efteem of God's Grace in " Chrift ; fo that nothing breaks thy Heart more than the cc Thoughts of Chrift's unchangeable Love to one fo vile, and cc this Love makes thee love much, and love him the mere ; as cc thy Sin increafeth, fo thou defireft thy Love's Increafe ; and cc now the Stream of thy Thoughts run, how thou mayft live CC to him that died for thee : This was ,Mary's Faith, who fat cc at Chrift's Feet weeping, wafhing them with her Tears, and CC loving much, becaufe much was forgiven." Shepard'sSound cc Believer. p. 128, 1299. cc You fhall know godly Sorrow (lays Dr. Prefion, in his Dir.- cc courfe on Paul's Converfion ) by the Continuance of it : It cc is conftant ; but worldly Sorrow is but a Pafíion of the cc Mind it changes, it lafts not. Tho' for the prefent it " may be violent and ftrong, and work much outwardly; yet it