Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

252 The tenth Sign PART III. True Saints are fpoken of in Scripture, not only as thofe that have . mourn'd for Sin, but as thofe that do mourn, whofe Manner it is Rill tomourn ; Matth. 5.4. 4 Bleffed are they that mourn,for they thall be comforted.' Not only is there often in Hypocrites, an effential Deficiency, as to the various Kinds of religious Affe6tions ; but alto a ftrange Parti- ality and Difproportion, in the fame Affeaions, with Regard to diffe- rent Obje&cs. Thus as to the Affeétion of Love, fome make high Pretences, and a great Shew of Love to God and Christ, and it may be have been greatly affeéted with what they have heard or thought concerning them : But they han't a Spirit. of Love and Benevolence towards Men, but are difpofed to Contention, Envy, Revenge, and Evil -fpea- king ; and will, it may be, fuffer an old Grudge to ref in their Bo- foms towards a Neighbour, for feven Years together, if not twice fe yen Years ; living in real Ill-will and Bitternefs of Spirit towards him : And it may be in their Dealings with their Neighbours, are not very fria and confcientious in obferving the Rule of doing to o- thers, as they would that they fhould do to them : r John 4. 20. If a Man fay, I love God, and hateth his Brother, he is a Liar : For he that loveth not his Brother, whom he bath feen, how can he love God whom he hath notfeen .? And on the other Hand, there are others, that appear as if they had a great deal of Benevolence to Men, are very good na- tur'd and generous in their Way ; but have no Love to God. And as to Love to Men, there are fome that have flowing Affec- tions to fome ; but their Love is far from being of fo extenfive and 64 it comes but by Fits, and continues not : like a Land Flood, 44 which violently, for the prefent, overflows the Banks ; but it CC will away again ; it is not always thus. But godly Sorrow is GG like. a Spring, that fill keeps his Running both Winter and «,:Summer, Wet and Dry, in Heat and Cold, early and late. So this godly Sorrow is the fame in a regenerate Man 1+111 ; 4.4 take him when you will, he is fill forrowing for Sin. This « godly Sorrow (ands like the Centre of the Earth, which 44 :removes not, but fill remains." r' I am_perfvvaded, many a Man's Heart is kept from break- " ing,and. mourning, becaufe of this. He faith (it may be ) 64 that he is a vile Sinner ; but I. trust in Chrift, &c. If they LG do go to Chrift to deftroytheir Sin, this makes 'emmore fe- cure in their Sin. For ( fay they ) I cannot help it, and Chrift muff do all. Whereas Faith makes the Soul mourn a--ter the Lord the more." Shep. Parable of the ten Virgins, Ad.' p., r68. univerfal