Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

254 The tenth Sign FART III. Love to our Brethren, extends both to their Souls and Bodies. And herein is like the Love and Compaffion of Jefus Chrift. He (hewed Mercy to Men's Souls, by labouring for them in preaching the Gof- pel to 'em ; and (hewed Mercy to their Bodies, in going about doing Good, healing all Manner of Sicknefs and Difeafes among the People. We have a remarkable Inftance of Chrift's havingCompaffion at once both to Men's Souls and Bodies, and (hewing Compaffion by feeding both, in Mark 6. 34., &c. And 'plus, when he came out, fawmach People, and was moved with Gompa/Jion towards them ; becaufe they were as Sheep not having a Shepherd : And he began to teach them manyThings. Here was his Compaffion to their Souls. And in the Sequel, we have an Account of his Compaffion to their Bodies, becaufe they had been a long While having nothing to eat : He fed five thoufand of 'em with five Loaves and two Fifhes. And if theCompaffion of profefling Chriftians towards others don't work in the fame Ways, it is a Sign that it is no true chriftian Compaffion. And furthermore, 'tis a Sign that Affe&ions are not of the right Sort, if Perfons feem to be much affeEted with the bad Qualities of their Fellow-Chriftians, as the Coldnefs and Lifeleffnefs of other Saints, but are in no Proportion affected with their own Defeats and Corruptions. A true Chriftianmay be affe&ted with the Coldnefs and Unfavourinefs of other Saints, and may mourn much over But at the fame Time he is not fo apt tobe af£e&ed with the Badnefs of any Body's Heart, as his own. This is moft in his Uiew : This he is moft quick-lighted to difcern : This he fees moft of the Aggravations of, and is molt ready to cry out of. And a leffer Degree of Vertue will bring him to pity himfelf, and be concerned at his own Calami- ties, than rightly to be affected with others Calamities. And if Men han't attain'd to the Lefs, we may determine they never attain'd to the Greater. And here by the Way, I would obferve, that it may be laid 'down as a general Rule, That if Perfons pretend that they come to high Attainments in Religion, but have never yet arrived to the leffer At- tainments, 'tis a Sign of a vain Pretence. As if Perfons pretend that they have got beyond meerMorality, to live afpiritual and divineLife ; but really han't come to be fo much as moral Perfons. Or pretend to be greatly affe&ed with theWickednefs of theirHearts, and are not afFeated with the palpable Violations of God's Commands in their ,Practice, which is a leffer Attainment. Or if they pretend to be brought to be even willing to be damned for the Glory of'. God, but have no Forwardnefs to fuffer a little in their Eftates and Names and worldly Convenience, for the fake of their Duty. Or pretend that they are not afraid to venture their Souls upon Chrift, and commit their All to God, trufting to his bare Word, and the Faithfulnefs of his Promifes, for their eternal Welfare ; but at the fame Time, han't Confidence