Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

256 The tenth Sign PART. III. As there is a much greater Difproportion in the Exercifes of falle Affeaions, than of true, as to different Objeas ; fo there is alto, as to different Times. For altho' true Chriffians are not always alike ; yea, there is very great Difference, at different Times, and the belt have Reafon to be greatly afhamed of their Unfleadinefs ; yet there is in no wife that Inflability and Inconflancy in the Hearts of thofe who are true Virgins, thatfollow the Lamb whitherfoever he goeth,which is in falle-heartedProfefí-ors.The righteousMan is truly faid to be one whole Heart is fixed, trufling in God, ( Pfal. r 12. 7.) and to have hisHeart eliablifhed with Grace, (Heb. 13. 9. ) and to hold on his Way. Job 17 . 9. The Righteous/hall hold on his Ai ay, and he that loath clean Hands /hall waxlranger andflronger. 'Tis fpoken of as a Note of the Hy- pocrify of the jewifh Church, that they were as a fzoift Dromedary, traverfzng her ,Ways. If therefore Perfons are religious onlyby Fits and Starts ; if they now and then feem to be railed up to the Clouds in their Affeaions, and then fuddenly fall down again, loofe all, and become quite care- lefs and carnal, and this is their Manner of carrying on Religion ; if they appear greatly moved, and mightily engaged in Religion, only in extraordinary Seafons, in the Time of a remarkable Out - pouring of the Spirit, or other uncommon Difpenfation of Providence. or upon the real or fuppofed Receipt offome great Mercy,-when they have re- ceived fome extraordinary temporal Mercy, or fuppofe that they are newly converted, or have lately had what they call a great Difcovery ; but quickly return to fuch a Frame, that their Hearts are chiefly up- on other Things, and the prevailing Bent of their Hearts and Stream of their Affeétions is ordinarily towards the Things of this World ; when they are like the Children of Ifrael in the Wildernefs, who had their Affe&ions highly raifed by what God had done for 'em at the Red Sea, and fang his Praife, and loon fell a lulling after the Flefh- Pots of Egypt, but then again when they came to Mount Sinai, and faw the great Manifeftations God made of himfelf there, feem'd to be greatly engaged again, and mighty forward toenter into Covenant with God, laying, 4111 that the Lordbath fpoken will we do, and be obe- dient, but then quickly made 'em a golden Calf ; I fay, when it is thus with Perfons, 'tis a Sign of the Unfoundnefs of Affe&ions. j They j Dr. Owen (on the Spirit, Book III. Chap. ii. § 18.) fpeak- ing of a common Work of the Spirit, fays, " This Work o- " perates greatly on the Affe&ions : we have given Inflances, " in Fear, Sorrow, Joy, and Delight, about fpiritual Things, that are furred up and aced thereby : But yet it comes fhort in two Things, of a thorough Work upon the Affeaions " themfelves.