Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

PART III. et' gracieus Ajaious. 2 57 They are like theWaters in theTime of aShower of Rain, which dur- ing the Shower, and a little after, run like a Brook, and flow abun- dantly ; but are prefently quite dry : And when another Shower comes, then they will flow again. Whereas a true Saint is like a Stream from a living Spring ; which tho' it may be greatly increafed by a Shower of Rain., and dimin;fhed in Tine ofDrought ; yet con- Randy runs : ( John 4. 14. The Water that IJhall give him, (hall be in him, a Well of Water fpringing up, &c. ) or like a Tree planted by fuch a Stream, that has a conftant Supply at the Root, and is always green, " themfelves. For if?, It doth not fix them. And 2dly, It it doth notfill them. i. It is required that our AfftEtions be cc fixed on heavenly and fpiritual Things : And true Grace 'c will effect it ; Col. 3. i, 2. If ye be rifen with Chrift, Peek thofe 'Things which are above, where Chrift ftteth on the right cc Hand of God. Set your Ape-lions on Things above. The cc Joys, the Fears, the Hopes, the Sorrows, with Reference un- to fpiritual and eternal Things, which theWork before-men- tioned doth produce, are evanid, uncertain, unffable, not LC only as to the Degrees, but as to the very Being of them. cc Sometimes they are as a River ready to overflow it's Banks, cc Men cannot but be pouring them out on all Occafions ; and " fometimes as Waters that fail, no Drop comes from them. " Sometimes they are hot, and fometimes cold ; fometimes up, and fometimes down; fometimes all Heaven, and fometimes " all World ; without Equality, without Stability. But true ' " Grace fixeth the Affe6tions on fpiritual Things. As to the GL Degrees of their Exercife, there may be, and is in them a great Variety, according as they may be excited, aided, af- " frfted by Grace and the Means of it; or obftruEted and im- 6C peded, by the Interpofition of Temptations and Diverfions. cc But the conftant Bent and Inclination of renewed Affedbons, CC is unto fpiritual Things ; as the Scripture every where tefti- cc fieth, and as Experience doth confirm." " There is ( fays Dr. Prefton) a certain Love, by Fits, which " God accepts not ; when Men come and offer to God great 6C Promifes, like the Waves of the Sea, as big as Mountains cc Oh, they think, they will do much for God ! But their " Minds change ; and they become as thofe high Waves ' which " at kit fall level with the other 'Waters. If a Man fhould cc profer thee great Kindneffes ; and thou fhouldft afterwards 'c come to him to make ufe.of him, and he Ihould look firangely 66 upon thee, as if he were never acquainted with thee ; How S 6, wouldft