258 The tenth Sign PART M. green, even in Time of the greateft Drought. Jer. 17. 7, 8 a Bleffed is the Man that truftetli in the Lord, and whole Hope the Lord is. For he (hall be as aTree planted by the Waters, and that fpreadeth out her Roots by the River ; and (hall not fee when Heat cometh ; but her Leaf (hall be green ; and (hall not be careful in the Year of Drought; neither (hall ceafe from yielding Fruit.' Many Hypocrites are like Comets, that appear for a While with a mighty Blaze ; but are very unfteady and irregular in their Motion, ( and are therefore called wandering Stars, fude 13. ) and their Blaze foon difappears, and they appear but once in a great While. But the true Saints are like the fixed Stars, which, tho' they rife and let, and are often clouded, yet are ftedfaft in their Orb, and may truly be faid to thine with a conflant Light. Hypocritical Affeuftions are like a vio- lent Motion ; like that of the Air that is moved with Winds. (Yude I 2. ) But gracious Affe&ions are more a natural Motion, like the Stream of a River ; which tho' it has many Turns hither and thither, and may meet with Obiacles, and run more freely and fwiftly in fome Places than others ; yet in the general, with a ffeady and conftant Courfe, tends the fame Way, 'till it gets to the Ocean. And as there is\a (frange Unevennefs and Dilproportion in falle Af- feaions, at different Times ; fo there often is in different Places. Some are greatly afeaed from Time to Time, when in Company ; tilt have nothing that bears any Manner of Proportion to it,in Secret, in clofe Meditation, fecret Prayer, and converfing with God, when alone, and feperated from all the World. -j. A true Chriftian doubt - lefs 44 wouldft thou efteem offuch Love ? If we are now on, now " off, in our Love, God will not efteem of fuch Love." Dif- courfe on the divine Love of Chrift. ói Mr. Flavel, fpeaking of thefe changeable Profeffors, fays, " Thefe Profeffors have more of the Moon than of the Sun ; " little Light, lefs Heat, and many Changes. They deceive 64 many, yea, they deceive themfelves,but cannot deceive God. 44 They want that Ballaft and Eftablifhment in themfelves, that «c would have kept them tite and fteady." Touchfione of Sin- cerity, Chap. II. § 2. " The Lord is neglected fecretly, yet honoured openly ; be- " caufe there is no Wind in their Chambers to blow their Sails ; " and therefore there they (tand fill. Hence many Men keep " their. Profefiion,, when they look their Affeaion. They have by the one a Name to live, ( and that is enough) tho' 44 their Hearts be dead. And hence fo long as you love and 44 commend them, fo long they love you ; but if not, they will 's forfake