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PART III. of gracious 4feelioas. 259 lefs delights in religious Fellowfhip, and chriflian Converfation, and finds much to affe& his Heart in it : But he alfo delights at Times to retire from all Mankind, to converfe with God in folitary Places. And this alto has it's peculiar Advantages for fixing his Heart, and en- gaging it's Affe&ions. True Religion difpofes Perfons to be much alone, in folitary Places, for holy Meditation and Prayer. So it wrought in Ifaac, Gen. 24. 63. And which is much more, fo it wrought in Jefus Chrift. How often do we read of his retiring into Mòuntains and folitary Places, for holy Converfe with his Father ? 'Tis difficult to conceal great Affections, but yet gracious Affe&ions are of a much more filent and fecretNature, than thofe that are coun- terfeit. So it is with the graciousSorrow of the Saints. So it is with their Sorrow for their own Sins. Thus theFuture graciousMourn- ing of true Penitents, at the Beginning of the latter Day Glory, is reprefented as being fo fecret, as to be hidden from the Companions of theirBofom; Zech.12.12,13,14. ' And theLand (hall mourn ,every Family apart. TheFamily of theHoufe of Davidapart, & theirWives apart. TheFamily of theHoufe of Nathan apart, and theirWives apart. TheFamily of theHoufe ofLevi apart,& theirWivesapart. TheFamily ofShimei apart,& theirWives apart. All theFamilies that remain,every Family apart, & theirWives apart. ' So it is with theirSorrow for the Sins of others. The Saints Pains and Travailing for the Souls of Sin- ners is chiefly in fecret Places ; Jer. 13. 17. ' If ye will not hear it, my Soul (hall weep in Secret Places for your Pride : And mine Eye fhall weep fore, and run down with Tears; becaufe the Lord's Flock " forfake you. They were warmonly by another's Fire, and " hence having noPrinciple ofLife within,foon grow dead. This " is the Water that turns a Pharifee's Mill.' Shepard's Par. Part I. p. 180. " The Hypocrite ( fays Mr. Flavel) is not for the Clofet, but the " Synagogue ; Matth. 6. 5, 6. 'Tis not his Meat and " Drink to retire from the Clamour of the World, to enjoy " God in Secret." Touchftone of Sincerity, Chap. VII. § 2. Dr. Ames, in his Cafes of Confcience, Lib, III. Chap. v. fpeaks of it as a Thing by which Sincerity may be known, " That " Perfons be obedient in the Abfence, as well as in the Pre- " fence of Lookers on ; in Secret, as well, yea more than in " Publick ; " alledging Phil. 2. 12. and Matth. 6. 6. f Mr. Flavel, in reckoning up thofe Things, wherein the Sorrow of Saints is diftinguifhed from the Sorrow of Hypocrites, about their Sins, fays, " Their Troubles for Sin are more private and eG filentTroubles than others are ; theirSore runs in theNight." Touchftone of Sincerity, Chap. VI. § v, S .