Edwards - BX7230 .E4 1746

262 The eleventh Sign PART III, the higher it is raifed, the more ardent it is ; and the more it burns, the more vehemently does it tend and feek to burn. So that the fpiritual Appetite after Holinefs, and an Increafe of holy Affections, is much more lively and keen in thofe that are eminent in Holinefs, than others ; and more when Grace and holy Affections are in their moll livelyExercife,thanat otherTimes.'Tis as much theNature ofone that is fpiritually new-born, to thirft after Growth in Holinefs, as 'tis the Nature of a new-born Bahe,to thirft after the Mother's Breaft ; who has the fharpeft Appetite, when belt in Health ; i Pet. 2. 2, 3. Zs new -born Babes, defire the ftncere Milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby ; iffo be that ye have tailed that the Lord is gracious. Themolt that the Saints have in this World, is but a Tafte, a Prelibation of that future Glory which is their proper Fulnefs ; 'tis only an Earneft of their future Inheritance in their Hearts ; 2 Cor. 1. 22. and 5. 5. and Eph. 1. 14. The molt eminent Saints in this State are but Chil- dren, compared with their future, which is their proper State of Ma- turity and Perfection ; as the Apoftle obferves, i Cor. 13. Io, i r. The greateft Eminency and Perfection, that the Saints arrive to in this World,has no Tendency to Satiety, or to abate their Defires after more ; but on the contrary, makes 'em more eager to prefs forwards ; as is evident by the Apoftle's Words, Phil. 3. 13, 14, 15. Forgetting thole Things which are behind, and reachingforth unto thole Things which are before, I prefs toward the Mark. ---Let us therefore, as many as be PERFECT, be thus minded. The Reafons of it are, that the more Perfons have of holy Affec- tions,the more they have of that fpiritualTafte which I have fpoken of elfewhere ; whereby they perceive thy Excellency, and relifh the di- vine Sweetnefs of Holinefs. And the more Grace they have, while in this State of Imperfection, the more they fee their Imperfection and Emptinefs, and Diflance from what ought to be ; and fo the more do they fee their Need of Grace ; as 1 (hewed at large before, when fpeaking of the Nature of evangelical Humiliation. And be- fides Grace, as long as it is imperfect, is of a growing Nature, and in a growing State. And we fee it to he fo with all living Things, that while they are in a State of Imperfection, and in their growing State, their Nature feeks after Growth ; and fo much the more, as they are more healthy and profperous. Therefore the Cry of every true Grace, is like that Cry of true Faith, Mark 9. 24. Lord I be- lieve, help thou my Unbelief And the greater fpiritual Difcoveries and Affections the true Chriftian has, the more does he become of an car- nal- Beggar for Grace, and fpiritual Food, that he may grow ; and the more earneftly does he purfue after it, in the Ufe of proper Means and Endeavours : For true and gracious Longings after Holinefs, are no idle incfàectual Defires. But