264 The eleventh Sign PART III. it's Nature, will thirft after it, and a Fulnefs of it, that it may be fa- tisfied. And the more he experiences, and the more he knows this excellent, unparrallel'd, exquifite, and fatisfying Sweetnefs, the more earneftly will he hunger and thirft for more, 'till he comes to Per- fec`tion. And therefore this is the Nature of fpiritual Affec`hons, that the greater they be, the greater the Appetite and Longing is, after Grace and Holinefs. But with thole Joys, and other religious AffeEtions, that are falle and counterfeit, it is otherwife. If before, there was a great Defire, of fome Sort, after Grace ; as thefe Affeaions rife, that Defire ceafes, or is abated. It may be before, while the Man was under legal Con- vìc`tion, and much afraid of Hell, he earneftly longed that he might obtain fpiritual Light in his Underftanding, and Faith in Chriff, and Love to God : But now, when thefe falle AffeClions are rifen, that deceive him, and make him confident that he is converted, and his State good, there are no more earneftLongings afterLight and Grace For his End is anfwer'd ; he is confident that his Sins are fcrgiven him, and that he fhall go to Heaven ; and fo he is fatisfied. And efpecially when falle AffeEtions are railed very high, do they put an End to Longings after Grace and Holinefs. The Man now is far from appearing to himfelf, a poor emptyCreature : On the Contrary, he is rich, and encreafed with Goods ; and hardly conceives of any Thing more excellent, than what he has already attain'd to. Hence there is an End to many Perfons Earneftnefs in Seeking, after they have once obtain'd that which they call their Converfion or at leaft, after they have had thofe high Affections, that make them fully confident of it. Before, while they looked upon themfelves as in a State of Nature, they were engaged in feeking after God and Chrift, and cried earneftly for Grace, and 'Trove in the Ufe of Means : But now they aEt as tho' they thought their Work was done : They live upon their fiat Work, or fome high Experiences that are pall; and there is anEnd to their crying, and ftriving afterGod andGrace. 'Whereas " It is ufual to fee a falle Heart mofi diligent in feeking theLord, " when he has been worft, and molt carelefs when 'tis belt. 44 Hence many at firft Converfion, fought the Lord earneftly " Afterwards Affections and Endeavours die ; that now they 46 are as good as the Word can make 'em.------An Hypocrite's " laft End is to fatisfy himfelf : Hence he has enough. A " Saint's is to fatisfy Chrift : Hence he never has enough." Shepard's Parable Part I. p. 157. " Many a Man, it may be, may fay, I have nothing in my fell, `z and all is in Chrift ; and comfort himfelf there ; and fo falls 4 4 aflegp.